Displaying 821 – 840 of 1606

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On evolution Galerkin methods for the Maxwell and the linearized Euler equations

Mária Lukáčová-Medviďová, Jitka Saibertová, Gerald G. Warnecke, Yousef Zahaykah (2004)

Applications of Mathematics

The subject of the paper is the derivation and analysis of evolution Galerkin schemes for the two dimensional Maxwell and linearized Euler equations. The aim is to construct a method which takes into account better the infinitely many directions of propagation of waves. To do this the initial function is evolved using the characteristic cone and then projected onto a finite element space. We derive the divergence-free property and estimate the dispersion relation as well. We present some numerical...

On formal theory of differential equations. III.

Jan Chrastina (1991)

Mathematica Bohemica

Elements of the general theory of Lie-Cartan pseudogroups (including the intransitive case) are developed within the framework of infinitely prolonged systems of partial differential equations (diffieties) which makes it independent of any particular realizations by transformations of geometric object. Three axiomatic approaches, the concepts of essential invariant, subgroup, normal subgroup and factorgroups are discussed. The existence of a very special canonical composition series based on Cauchy...

On geometry of fronts in wave propagations

Susumu Tanabé (1999)

Banach Center Publications

We give a geometric descriptions of (wave) fronts in wave propagation processes. Concrete form of defining function of wave front issued from initial algebraic variety is obtained by the aid of Gauss-Manin systems associated with certain complete intersection singularities. In the case of propagations on the plane, we get restrictions on types of possible cusps that can appear on the wave front.

On iterative solution of nonlinear heat-conduction and diffusion problems

Herbert Gajewski (1977)

Aplikace matematiky

The present paper deals with the numerical solution of the nonlinear heat equation. An iterative method is suggested in which the iterations are obtained by solving linear heat equation. The convergence of the method is proved under very natural conditions on given input data of the original problem. Further, questions of convergence of the Galerkin method applied to the original equation as well as to the linear equations in the above mentioned iterative method are studied.

On Kirchhoff type problems involving critical and singular nonlinearities

Chun-Yu Lei, Chang-Mu Chu, Hong-Min Suo, Chun-Lei Tang (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In this paper, we are interested in multiple positive solutions for the Kirchhoff type problem ⎧ - ( a + b Ω | u | ² d x ) Δ u = u + λ u q - 1 / | x | β in Ω ⎨ ⎩ u = 0 on ∂Ω, where Ω ⊂ ℝ³ is a smooth bounded domain, 0∈Ω, 1 < q < 2, λ is a positive parameter and β satisfies some inequalities. We obtain the existence of a positive ground state solution and multiple positive solutions via the Nehari manifold method.

On microlocal analyticity of solutions of first-order nonlinear PDE

Shif Berhanu (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the microlocal analyticity of solutions u of the nonlinear equation u t = f ( x , t , u , u x ) where f ( x , t , ζ 0 , ζ ) is complex-valued, real analytic in all its arguments and holomorphic in ( ζ 0 , ζ ) . We show that if the function u is a C 2 solution, σ Char L u and 1 i σ ( [ L u , L u ¯ ] ) &lt; 0 or if u is a C 3 solution, σ Char L u , σ ( [ L u , L u ¯ ] ) = 0 , and σ ( [ L u , [ L u , L u ¯ ] ] ) 0 , then σ W F a u . Here W F a u denotes the analytic wave-front set of u and Char L u is the characteristic set of the linearized operator. When m = 1 , we prove a more general result involving the repeated brackets of L u and L u ¯ of any order.

Currently displaying 821 – 840 of 1606