Displaying 1141 – 1160 of 1606

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Sheaf theory and regularity. Application to local and microlocal analysis

Jean-André Marti (2010)

Banach Center Publications

A review of some methods in sheaf theory is presented to make precise a general concept of regularity in algebras or spaces of generalized functions. This leads to the local analysis of the sections of sheaves or presheaves under consideration and then to microlocal analysis and microlocal asymptotic analysis.

Simmetria delle soluzioni di equazioni ellittiche semilineari in R N

Alberto Farina (1999)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Nella prima parte di questa Nota si dimostrano dei risultati di simmetria unidimensionale e radiale per le soluzioni di Δ u + f u = 0 in R N . Questi risultati sono legati a due congetture (De Giorgi, 1978 e Gibbons, 1994) riguardanti la classificazione delle soluzioni dell’equazione Δ u + u 1 - u 2 = 0 in R N . Si dimostra, in particolare, la seguente generalizzazione della congettura di Gibbons: se N > 1 e se l’insieme degli zeri di u è limitato nella direzione ν , allora u x = u 0 ν x , ovvero, u è unidimensionale. Nella seconda parte si considerano...

Simplifying numerical solution of constrained PDE systems through involutive completion

Bijan Mohammadi, Jukka Tuomela (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

When analysing general systems of PDEs, it is important first to find the involutive form of the initial system. This is because the properties of the system cannot in general be determined if the system is not involutive. We show that the notion of involutivity is also interesting from the numerical point of view. The use of the involutive form of the system allows one to consider quite general situations in a unified way. We illustrate our approach on the numerical solution of several flow equations...

Simplifying numerical solution of constrained PDE systems through involutive completion

Bijan Mohammadi, Jukka Tuomela (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

When analysing general systems of PDEs, it is important first to find the involutive form of the initial system. This is because the properties of the system cannot in general be determined if the system is not involutive. We show that the notion of involutivity is also interesting from the numerical point of view. The use of the involutive form of the system allows one to consider quite general situations in a unified way. We illustrate our approach on the numerical solution of several flow equations...

Singular perturbation for the Dirichlet boundary control of elliptic problems

Faker Ben Belgacem, Henda El Fekih, Hejer Metoui (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A current procedure that takes into account the Dirichlet boundary condition with non-smooth data is to change it into a Robin type condition by introducing a penalization term; a major effect of this procedure is an easy implementation of the boundary condition. In this work, we deal with an optimal control problem where the control variable is the Dirichlet data. We describe the Robin penalization, and we bound the gap between the penalized and the non-penalized boundary controls for the small...

Singular perturbation for the Dirichlet boundary control of elliptic problems

Faker Ben Belgacem, Henda El Fekih, Hejer Metoui (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A current procedure that takes into account the Dirichlet boundary condition with non-smooth data is to change it into a Robin type condition by introducing a penalization term; a major effect of this procedure is an easy implementation of the boundary condition. In this work, we deal with an optimal control problem where the control variable is the Dirichlet data. We describe the Robin penalization, and we bound the gap between the penalized and the non-penalized boundary controls for the small...

Singularités éliminables pour des équations semi-linéaires

Pierre Baras, Michel Pierre (1984)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Étant donné L un opérateur différentiel d’ordre m sur un ouvert Ω de R N , K un compact de Ω , γ > 1 et γ ' = γ / ( γ - 1 ) , nous montrons que toute solution de “ L u + u γ = 0 sur Ω K , u 0 ” est solution de “ L u + u γ = 0 sur Ω ” dès que la W m , γ ' -capacité de K est nulle. Cette condition s’avère nécessaire quand L est un opérateur elliptique d’ordre 2. Dans ce cas, nous montrons aussi que ` ` L u + u | u | γ - 1 = μ , u | Ω = 0 ' ' μ est une mesure de Radon bornée sur Ω , a une solution si et seulement si μ ne charge pas les ensembles de W 2 , γ ' -capacité nulle.

Singularities of Maxwell’s system in non-hilbertian Sobolev spaces

Wided Chikouche, Serge Nicaise (2008)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We study the regularity of the solution of the regularized electric Maxwell problem in a polygonal domain with data in L p ( Ω ) 2 . Using a duality method, we prove a decomposition of the solution into a regular part in the non-Hilbertian Sobolev space W 2 , p ( Ω ) 2 and an explicit singular one.

Currently displaying 1141 – 1160 of 1606