Homotopical Linking and Morse Index estimates in Min-max Theroems.
We propose and analyze a domain decomposition method on non-matching grids for partial differential equations with non-negative characteristic form. No weak or strong continuity of the finite element functions, their normal derivatives, or linear combinations of the two is imposed across the boundaries of the subdomains. Instead, we employ suitable bilinear forms defined on the common interfaces, typical of discontinuous Galerkin approximations. We prove an error bound which is optimal with respect...
In this paper a strategy is investigated for the spatial coupling of an asymptotic preserving scheme with the asymptotic limit model, associated to a singularly perturbed, highly anisotropic, elliptic problem. This coupling strategy appears to be very advantageous as compared with the numerical discretization of the initial singular perturbation model or the purely asymptotic preserving scheme introduced in previous works [3, 5]. The model problem addressed...