Controllability of 1-D coupled degenerate parabolic equations.
We consider a linear parabolic transmission problem across an interface of codimension one in a bounded domain or on a Riemannian manifold, where the transmission conditions involve an additional parabolic operator on the interface. This system is an idealization of a three-layer model in which the central layer has a small thickness . We prove a Carleman estimate in the neighborhood of the interface for an associated elliptic operator by means of partial estimates in several microlocal regions....
Some results on cross-diffusion systems with entropy structure are reviewed. The focus is on local-in-time existence results for general systems with normally elliptic diffusion operators, due to Amann, and global-in-time existence theorems by Lepoutre, Moussa, and co-workers for cross-diffusion systems with an additional Laplace structure. The boundedness-by-entropy method allows for global bounded weak solutions to certain diffusion systems. Furthermore, a partial result on the uniqueness of weak...