Displaying 301 – 320 of 952

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Feuilletages transversalement projectifs sur les variétés de Seifert

Thierry Barbot (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit M une variété de Seifert de groupe fondamental non virtuellement résoluble. Soit Φ un feuilletage de dimension 1 sur M , muni d’une structure projective réelle transverse. On suppose que Φ satisfait la propriété de relèvement des chemins, i.e., que l’espace des feuilles du relèvement de Φ dans le revêtement universel de M est séparé au sens de Hausdorff. On montre qu’à revêtements finis près, Φ est soit une fibration projective, soit un feuilletage géodésique convexe, soit un feuilletage horocyclique...

Fibration of the phase space for the Korteweg-de Vries equation

Thomas Kappeler (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this article we prove that the fibration of L 2 ( S 1 ) by potentials which are isospectral for the 1-dimensional periodic Schrödinger equation, is trivial. This result can be applied, in particular, to N -gap solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV) on the circle: one shows that KdV, a completely integrable Hamiltonian system, has global action-angle variables.

Fixed points of discrete nilpotent group actions on S 2

Suely Druck, Fuquan Fang, Sebastião Firmo (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove that for each integer k 2 there is an open neighborhood 𝒱 k of the identity map of the 2-sphere S 2 , in C 1 topology such that: if G is a nilpotent subgroup of Diff 1 ( S 2 ) with length k of nilpotency, generated by elements in 𝒱 k , then the natural G -action on S 2 has nonempty fixed point set. Moreover, the G -action has at least two fixed points if the action has a finite nontrivial orbit.

Flows near compact invariant sets. Part I

Pedro Teixeira (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is proved that near a compact, invariant, proper subset of a C⁰ flow on a locally compact, connected metric space, at least one, out of twenty eight relevant dynamical phenomena, will necessarily occur. Theorem 1 shows that the connectedness of the phase space implies the existence of a considerably deeper classification of topological flow behaviour in the vicinity of compact invariant sets than that described in the classical theorems of Ura-Kimura and Bhatia. The proposed classification brings...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 952