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Pseudo orbit tracing property and fixed points

Masatoshi Oka (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

If a continuous map f of a compact metric space has the pseudo orbit tracing property and is h-expansive then the set of all fixed points of f is totally disconnected.

Puzzles of Quasi-Finite Type, Zeta Functions and Symbolic Dynamics for Multi-Dimensional Maps

Jérôme Buzzi (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Entropy-expanding transformations define a class of smooth dynamics generalizing interval maps with positive entropy and expanding maps. In this work, we build a symbolic representation of those dynamics in terms of puzzles (in Yoccoz’s sense), thus avoiding a connectedness condition, hard to satisfy in higher dimensions. Those puzzles are controled by a «constraint entropy» bounded by the hypersurface entropy of the aforementioned transformations.The analysis of those puzzles rests on a «stably...

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