La condition de Walters
In this paper, we compare two definitions of Rauzy classes. The first one was introduced by Rauzy and was in particular used by Veech to prove the ergodicity of the Teichmüller flow. The second one is more recent and uses a “labeling” of the underlying intervals, and was used in the proof of some recent major results about the Teichmüller flow.The Rauzy diagrams obtained from the second definition are coverings of the initial ones. In this paper, we give a formula that gives the degree of this covering.This...
Dans cet article, nous établissons dans un premier temps un lemme de l'ombre dans le cas des variétés géométriquement finies à courbure négative variable. Ce théorème donne des estimées très précises de la décroissance de la mesure de Patterson des ombres, sur le bord à l'infini de telles variétés. Nous en déduisons un résultat de non divergence des horosphères. Plus précisément, nous considérons certaines moyennes naturelles sur de grandes boules horosphériques, dont nous...
In this paper we study dynamical properties of linear actions by free groups via the induced action on projective space. This point of view allows us to introduce techniques from Thermodynamic Formalism. In particular, we obtain estimates on the growth of orbits and their limiting distribution on projective space.
We consider families of unimodal maps whose critical point is slowly recurrent, and we show that the unique absolutely continuous invariant measure of depends differentiably on , as a distribution of order . The proof uses transfer operators on towers whose level boundaries are mollified via smooth cutoff functions, in order to avoid artificial discontinuities. We give a new representation of for a Benedicks-Carleson map , in terms of a single smooth function and the inverse branches...
We show that Lissajous knots are equivalent to billiard knots in a cube. We consider also knots in general 3-dimensional billiard tables. We analyse symmetry of knots in billiard tables and show in particular that the Alexander polynomial of a Lissajous knot is a square modulo 2.
Given any compact manifold , we construct a non-empty open subset of the space of -diffeomorphisms and a dense subset such that the centralizer of every diffeomorphism in is uncountable, hence non-trivial.
If the monodromy representation of a VHS over a hyperbolic curve stabilizes a rank two subspace, there is a single non-negative Lyapunov exponent associated with it. We derive an explicit formula using only the representation in the case when the monodromy is discrete.