La dynamique des pseudogroupes de rotations.
In this paper, we compare two definitions of Rauzy classes. The first one was introduced by Rauzy and was in particular used by Veech to prove the ergodicity of the Teichmüller flow. The second one is more recent and uses a “labeling” of the underlying intervals, and was used in the proof of some recent major results about the Teichmüller flow.The Rauzy diagrams obtained from the second definition are coverings of the initial ones. In this paper, we give a formula that gives the degree of this covering.This...
On démontre le lemme de Mañé-Conze-Guivarc’h (en classe Lipschitz) pour les systèmes amphidynamiques vérifiant une certaine condition d’hyperbolicité : la « rectifiabilité ». Diverses applications sont données.
Let S=(Sk)k≥0 be a random walk on ℤ and ξ=(ξi)i∈ℤ a stationary random sequence of centered random variables, independent of S. We consider a random walk in random scenery that is the sequence of random variables (Un)n≥0, where Un=∑k=0nξSk, n∈ℕ. Under a weak dependence assumption on the scenery ξ we prove a functional limit theorem generalizing Kesten and Spitzer’s [Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Gebiete50 (1979) 5–25] theorem.
We consider the ensemble of curves {γα, N: α∈(0, 1], N∈ℕ} obtained by linearly interpolating the values of the normalized theta sum N−1/2∑n=0N'−1exp(πin2α), 0≤N'<N. We prove the existence of limiting finite-dimensional distributions for such curves as N→∞, when α is distributed according to any probability measure λ, absolutely continuous w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure on [0, 1]. Our Main Theorem generalizes a result by Marklof [Duke Math. J.97 (1999) 127–153] and Jurkat and van Horne [Duke...
The main focus of combinatorial dynamics is put on the structure of periodic points (and the corresponding orbits) of topological dynamical systems. The first result in this area is the famous Sharkovsky's theorem which completely describes the coexistence of periods of periodic points for a continuous map from the closed unit interval to itself. One feature of this theorem is that it can be proved using digraphs of a special type (the so-called periodic graphs). In this paper we use Markov graphs...
We consider families of unimodal maps whose critical point is slowly recurrent, and we show that the unique absolutely continuous invariant measure of depends differentiably on , as a distribution of order . The proof uses transfer operators on towers whose level boundaries are mollified via smooth cutoff functions, in order to avoid artificial discontinuities. We give a new representation of for a Benedicks-Carleson map , in terms of a single smooth function and the inverse branches...
Given any compact manifold , we construct a non-empty open subset of the space of -diffeomorphisms and a dense subset such that the centralizer of every diffeomorphism in is uncountable, hence non-trivial.
We deal with locally connected exceptional minimal sets of surface homeomorphisms. If the surface is different from the torus, such a minimal set is either finite or a finite disjoint union of simple closed curves. On the torus, such a set can admit also a structure similar to that of the Sierpiński curve.