Displaying 201 – 220 of 912

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Effective Hamiltonians and Quantum States

Lawrence C. Evans (2000/2001)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

We recount here some preliminary attempts to devise quantum analogues of certain aspects of Mather’s theory of minimizing measures [M1-2, M-F], augmented by the PDE theory from Fathi [F1,2] and from [E-G1]. This earlier work provides us with a Lipschitz continuous function u solving the eikonal equation aėȧnd a probability measure σ solving a related transport equation.We present some elementary formal identities relating certain quantum states ψ and u , σ . We show also how to build out of u , σ an approximate...

Elliptic K3 surfaces as dynamical models and their Hamiltonian monodromy

Daisuke Tarama (2012)

Open Mathematics

This note deals with Lagrangian fibrations of elliptic K3 surfaces and the associated Hamiltonian monodromy. The fibration is constructed through the Weierstraß normal form of elliptic surfaces. There is given an example of K3 dynamical models with the identity monodromy matrix around 12 elementary singular loci.

Entropy and complexity of a path in sub-riemannian geometry

Frédéric Jean (2003)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We characterize the geometry of a path in a sub-riemannian manifold using two metric invariants, the entropy and the complexity. The entropy of a subset A of a metric space is the minimum number of balls of a given radius ε needed to cover A . It allows one to compute the Hausdorff dimension in some cases and to bound it from above in general. We define the complexity of a path in a sub-riemannian manifold as the infimum of the lengths of all trajectories contained in an ε -neighborhood of the path,...

Entropy and complexity of a path in sub-Riemannian geometry

Frédéric Jean (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We characterize the geometry of a path in a sub-Riemannian manifold using two metric invariants, the entropy and the complexity. The entropy of a subset A of a metric space is the minimum number of balls of a given radius ε needed to cover A. It allows one to compute the Hausdorff dimension in some cases and to bound it from above in general. We define the complexity of a path in a sub-Riemannian manifold as the infimum of the lengths of all trajectories contained in an ε-neighborhood of the path,...

Ergodic averages and free 2 actions

Zoltán Buczolich (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

If the ergodic transformations S, T generate a free 2 action on a finite non-atomic measure space (X,S,µ) then for any c 1 , c 2 there exists a measurable function f on X for which ( N + 1 ) - 1 j = 0 N f ( S j x ) c 1 and ( N + 1 ) - 1 j = 0 N f ( T j x ) c 2 µ -almost everywhere as N → ∞. In the special case when S, T are rationally independent rotations of the circle this result answers a question of M. Laczkovich.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 912