Boehmians on manifolds.
Let be a metric space with a doubling measure, be a boundedly compact metric space and be a Lebesgue precise mapping whose upper gradient belongs to the Lorentz space , . Let be a set of measure zero. Then for -a.e. , where is the -dimensional Hausdorff measure and is the -codimensional Hausdorff measure. This property is closely related to the coarea formula and implies a version of the Eilenberg inequality. The result relies on estimates of Hausdorff content of level sets...
To each complex number is associated a representation of the conformal group on (spherical principal series). For three values , we construct a trilinear form on , which is invariant by . The trilinear form, first defined for in an open set of is extended meromorphically, with simple poles located in an explicit family of hyperplanes. For generic values of the parameters, we prove uniqueness of trilinear invariant forms.
We study continuous measures on a compact semisimple Lie group using representation theory. In Section 2 we prove a Wiener type characterization of a continuous measure. Next we construct central measures on which are related to the well known Riesz products on locally compact abelian groups. Using these measures we show in Section 3 that if is a compact set of continuous measures on there exists a singular measure such that is absolutely continuous with respect to the Haar measure on...
In this paper we generalize Wiener’s characterization of continuous measures to compact homogenous manifolds. In particular, we give necessary and sufficient conditions on probability measures on compact semisimple Lie groups and nilmanifolds to be continuous. The methods use only simple properties of heat kernels.