On integration and the Radon-Nikodym theorem in quasicomplete locally convex topological vector spaces.
A generalization of I. Dobrakov’s integral to complete bornological locally convex spaces is given.
In the paper we study the existence of nonzero positive invariant elements for positive operators in Riesz spaces. The class of Riesz spaces for which the results are valid is large enough to contain all the Banach lattices with order continuous norms. All the results obtained in earlier works deal with positive operators in KB-spaces and in many of them the approach is based upon the use of Banach limits. The methods created for KB-spaces cannot be extended to our more general setting; that is...
We prove that if Köthe F-spaces X and Y on finite atomless measure spaces (ΩX; ΣX, µX) and (ΩY; ΣY; µY), respectively, with absolute continuous norms are isomorphic and have the property (for µ = µX and µ = µY, respectively) then the measure spaces (ΩX; ΣX; µX) and (ΩY; ΣY; µY) are isomorphic, up to some positive multiples. This theorem extends a result of A. Plichko and M. Popov concerning isomorphic classification of L p(µ)-spaces for 0 < p < 1. We also provide a new class of F-spaces...
Some relations between the James (or non-square) constant J(X) and the Jordan-von Neumann constant , and the normal structure coefficient N(X) of Banach spaces X are investigated. Relations between J(X) and J(X*) are given as an answer to a problem of Gao and Lau [16]. Connections between and J(X) are also shown. The normal structure coefficient of a Banach space is estimated by the -constant, which implies that a Banach space with -constant less than 5/4 has the fixed point property.
We define locally convex spaces LW and HW consisting of measurable and holomorphic functions in the unit ball, respectively, with the topology given by a family of weighted-sup seminorms. We prove that the Bergman projection is a continuous map from LW onto HW. These are the smallest spaces having this property. We investigate the topological and algebraic properties of HW.