-BMO duality on graphs
On graphs satisfying the doubling property and the Poincaré inequality, we prove that the space is equal to , and therefore that its dual is BMO. We also prove the atomic decomposition for for p ≤ 1 close enough to 1.
On graphs satisfying the doubling property and the Poincaré inequality, we prove that the space is equal to , and therefore that its dual is BMO. We also prove the atomic decomposition for for p ≤ 1 close enough to 1.
Let be a sequence in the upper half plane. If and ifhas solution in the class of Poisson integrals of functions for any sequence , then we show that is an interpolating sequence for . If , has solution in the class of Poisson integrals of BMO functions whenever , then is again an interpolating sequence for . A somewhat more general theorem is also proved and a counterexample for the case is described.
A Hille-Yosida Theorem is proved on convenient vector spaces, a class, which contains all sequentially complete locally convex spaces. The approach is governed by convenient analysis and the credo that many reasonable questions concerning strongly continuous semigroups can be proved on the subspace of smooth vectors. Examples from literature are reconsidered by these simpler methods and some applications to the theory of infinite dimensional heat equations are given.
We introduce a decomposition of holomorphic functions on Fréchet spaces which reduces to the Taylor series expansion in the case of Banach spaces and to the monomial expansion in the case of Fréchet nuclear spaces with basis. We apply this decomposition to obtain examples of Fréchet spaces E for which the τ_{ω} and τ_{δ} topologies on H(E) coincide. Our result includes, with simplified proofs, the main known results-Banach spaces with an unconditional basis and Fréchet nuclear spaces with DN [2,...
This article is devoted to a study of locally convex topologies on (where is an open subset of the locally convex topological vector space and is the set of all complex valued holomorphic functions on ). We discuss the following topologies on :(a) the compact open topology ,(b) the bornological topology associated with ,(c) the ported topology of Nachbin ,(d) the bornological topology associated with ; and(e) the topological of Nachbin.For balanced we show these topologies are...
In this article we discuss the relationship between domains of existence domains of holomorphy, holomorphically convex domains, pseudo convex domains, in the context of locally convex topological vector spaces. By using the method of Hirschowitz for and the method used for Banach spaces with a basis we prove generalisations of the Cartan-Thullen-Oka-Norguet-Bremmerman theorem for finitely polynomially convex domains in a variety of locally convex spaces which include the following:1) -projective...
In this article we show that a number of apparently different properties coincide on the set of holomorphic functions on a strict inductive limit (all inductive limits are assumed to be countable and proper) of Banach spaces and that they are all satisfied only in the trivial case of a strict inductive limit of finite dimensional spaces. Thus the linear properties of a strict inductive limit of Banach spaces rarely translate themselves into holomorphic properties.
Let and be two complex Banach spaces, a nonempty subset of and a compact subset of . The concept of holomorphy type between and , and the natural locally convex topology on the vector space of all holomorphic mappings of a given holomorphy type from to were considered first by L. Nachbin. Motived by his work, we introduce the locally convex space of all germs of holomorphic mappings into around of a given holomorphy type , and study its interplay with and some...
The classical Erdös spaces are obtained as the subspaces of real separable Hilbert space consisting of the points with all coordinates rational or all coordinates irrational, respectively. One can create variations by specifying in which set each coordinate is allowed to vary. We investigate the homogeneity of the resulting subspaces. Our two main results are: in case all coordinates are allowed to vary in the same set the subspace need not be homogeneous, and by specifying different sets for different...
Let be a Jordan-Banach algebra with identity 1, whose norm satisfies:(i) , (ii) (iii) . is called a JB algebra (E.M. Alfsen, F.W. Shultz and E. Stormer, Oslo preprint (1976)). The set of squares in is a closed convex cone. is a complete ordered vector space with as a order unit. In addition, we assume to be monotone complete (i.e. coincides with the bidual ), and that there exists a finite normal faithful trace on .Then the completion of with respect to the Hilbert structure...