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From restricted type to strong type estimates on quasi-Banach rearrangement invariant spaces

María Carro, Leonardo Colzani, Gord Sinnamon (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a quasi-Banach rearrangement invariant space and let T be an (ε,δ)-atomic operator for which a restricted type estimate of the form T χ E X D ( | E | ) for some positive function D and every measurable set E is known. We show that this estimate can be extended to the set of all positive functions f ∈ L¹ such that | | f | | 1 , in the sense that T f X D ( | | f | | ) . This inequality allows us to obtain strong type estimates for T on several classes of spaces as soon as some information about the galb of the space X is known. In this paper...

From weak to strong types of L E 1 -convergence by the Bocce criterion

Erik Balder, Maria Girardi, Vincent Jalby (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Necessary and sufficient oscillation conditions are given for a weakly convergent sequence (resp. relatively weakly compact set) in the Bochner-Lebesgue space E 1 to be norm convergent (resp. relatively norm compact), thus extending the known results for 1 . Similarly, necessary and sufficient oscillation conditions are given to pass from weak to limited (and also to Pettis-norm) convergence in E 1 . It is shown that tightness is a necessary and sufficient condition to pass from limited to strong convergence....

Further properties of Stepanov--Orlicz almost periodic functions

Yousra Djabri, Fazia Bedouhene, Fatiha Boulahia (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We revisit the concept of Stepanov--Orlicz almost periodic functions introduced by Hillmann in terms of Bochner transform. Some structural properties of these functions are investigated. A particular attention is paid to the Nemytskii operator between spaces of Stepanov--Orlicz almost periodic functions. Finally, we establish an existence and uniqueness result of Bohr almost periodic mild solution to a class of semilinear evolution equations with Stepanov--Orlicz almost periodic forcing term.

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