An algebra associated with the generalized sublaplacian
The James-Schreier spaces, defined by amalgamating James' quasi-reflexive Banach spaces and Schreier space, can be equipped with a Banach-algebra structure. We answer some questions relating to their cohomology and ideal structure, and investigate the relations between them. In particular we show that the James-Schreier algebras are weakly amenable but not amenable, and relate these algebras to their multiplier algebras and biduals.
We construct an example of a Fréchet m-convex algebra which is a principal ideal domain, and has the unit disk as the maximal ideal space.
We present an example of a subalgebra with infinite stable rank in the algebra of all bounded analytic functions in the unit disk.
We study asymptotics of a class of extremal problems rₙ(A,ε) related to norm controlled inversion in Banach algebras. In a general setting we prove estimates that can be considered as quantitative refinements of a theorem of Jan-Erik Björk [1]. In the last section we specialize further and consider a class of analytic Beurling algebras. In particular, a question raised by Jan-Erik Björk in [1] is answered in the negative.
We construct an example as announced in the title. We also indicate all right, left and two-sided ideals in this example.
Let f be a function in the Douglas algebra A and let I be a finitely generated ideal in A. We give an estimate for the distance from f to I that allows us to generalize a result obtained by Bourgain for to arbitrary Douglas algebras.