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Ideal norms and trigonometric orthonormal systems

Jörg Wenzel (1994)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize the UMD-property of a Banach space X by sequences of ideal norms associated with trigonometric orthonormal systems. The asymptotic behavior of those numerical parameters can be used to decide whether X is a UMD-space. Moreover, if this is not the case, we obtain a measure that shows how far X is from being a UMD-space. The main result is that all described sequences are not only simultaneously bounded but are also asymptotically equivalent.

Idéaux fermés de certaines algèbres de Beurling et application aux opérateurs à spectre dénombrable

Cyril Agrafeuil (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We denote by the unit circle and by the unit disc of ℂ. Let s be a non-negative real and ω a weight such that ω ( n ) = ( 1 + n ) s (n ≥ 0) and the sequence ( ω ( - n ) / ( 1 + n ) s ) n 0 is non-decreasing. We define the Banach algebra A ω ( ) = f ( ) : | | f | | ω = n = - + | f ̂ ( n ) | ω ( n ) < + . If I is a closed ideal of A ω ( ) , we set h ( I ) = z : f ( z ) = 0 ( f I ) . We describe all closed ideals I of A ω ( ) such that h⁰(I) is at most countable. A similar result is obtained for closed ideals of the algebra A s ( ) = f A ω ( ) : f ̂ ( n ) = 0 ( n < 0 ) without inner factor. Then we use this description to establish a link between operators with countable spectrum and interpolating sets...

Improved Heinz inequalities via the Jensen functional

Mario Krnić, Josip Pečarić (2013)

Open Mathematics

By virtue of convexity of Heinz means, in this paper we derive several refinements of Heinz norm inequalities with the help of the Jensen functional and its properties. In addition, we discuss another approach to Heinz operator means which is more convenient for obtaining the corresponding operator inequalities for positive invertible operators.

Inequalities between the sum of powers and the exponential of sum of positive and commuting selfadjoint operators

Berrabah Bendoukha, Hafida Bendahmane (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let ( ) be the set of all bounded linear operators acting in Hilbert space and + ( ) the set of all positive selfadjoint elements of ( ) . The aim of this paper is to prove that for every finite sequence ( A i ) i = 1 n of selfadjoint, commuting elements of + ( ) and every natural number p 1 , the inequality e p p p i = 1 n A i p exp i = 1 n A i , holds.

Inequalities for exponentials in Banach algebras

A. Pryde (1991)

Studia Mathematica

For commuting elements x, y of a unital Banach algebra ℬ it is clear that e x + y e x e y . On the order hand, M. Taylor has shown that this inequality remains valid for a self-adjoint operator x and a skew-adjoint operator y, without the assumption that they commute. In this paper we obtain similar inequalities under conditions that lie between these extremes. The inequalities are used to deduce growth estimates of the form e ' c ( 1 + | ξ | s for all ξ R m , where x = ( x 1 , . . . , x m ) m and c, s are constants.

Interpolation of the essential spectrum and the essential norm

A. G. Aksoy, H.-O. Tylli (2005)

Banach Center Publications

The behavior of the essential spectrum and the essential norm under (complex/real) interpolation is investigated. We extend an example of Albrecht and Müller for the spectrum by showing that in complex interpolation the essential spectrum σ e ( S [ θ ] ) of an interpolated operator is also in general a discontinuous map of the parameter θ. We discuss the logarithmic convexity (up to a multiplicative constant) of the essential norm under real interpolation, and show that this holds provided certain compact approximation...

Isolated points of spectrum of k-quasi-*-class A operators

Salah Mecheri (2012)

Studia Mathematica

Let T be a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space H. In this paper we introduce a new class, denoted *, of operators satisfying T * k ( | T ² | - | T * | ² ) T k 0 where k is a natural number, and we prove basic structural properties of these operators. Using these results, we also show that if E is the Riesz idempotent for a non-zero isolated point μ of the spectrum of T ∈ *, then E is self-adjoint and EH = ker(T-μ) = ker(T-μ)*. Some spectral properties are also presented.

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