Analytic Functions of Topological Proper Contractions.
Given a Banach algebra ℱ of complex-valued functions and a closed, linear (possibly unbounded) densely defined operator A, on a Banach space, with an ℱ functional calculus we present two ways of extending this functional calculus to a much larger class of functions with little or no growth conditions. We apply this to spectral operators of scalar type, generators of bounded strongly continuous groups and operators whose resolvent set contains a half-line. For f in this larger class, one construction...
In the present paper, we study a-Weyl's and a-Browder's theorem for an operator T such that T or T* satisfies the single valued extension property (SVEP). We establish that if T* has the SVEP, then T obeys a-Weyl's theorem if and only if it obeys Weyl's theorem. Further, if T or T* has the SVEP, we show that the spectral mapping theorem holds for the essential approximative point spectrum, and that a-Browder's theorem is satisfied by f(T) whenever f ∈ H(σ(T)). We also provide several conditions...