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Moltiplicatori spettrali per l'operatore di Ornstein-Uhlenbeck

Giancarlo Mauceri (2004)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Questa è una rassegna di alcuni risultati recenti sui moltiplicatori spettrali dell'operatore di Ornstein-Uhlenbeck, un laplaciano naturale sullo spazio euclideo munito della misura gaussiana. I risultati sono inquadrati nell'ambito della teoria generale dei moltiplicatori spettrali per laplaciani generalizzati.

Multipliers of Hardy spaces, quadratic integrals and Foiaş-Williams-Peller operators

G. Blower (1998)

Studia Mathematica

We obtain a sufficient condition on a B(H)-valued function φ for the operator Γ φ ' ( S ) to be completely bounded on H B ( H ) ; the Foiaş-Williams-Peller operator | St Γφ | Rφ = | | | 0 S | is then similar to a contraction. We show that if ⨍ : D → B(H) is a bounded analytic function for which ( 1 - r ) | | ' ( r e i θ ) | | B ( H ) 2 r d r d θ and ( 1 - r ) | | " ( r e i θ ) | | B ( H ) r d r d θ are Carleson measures, then ⨍ multiplies ( H 1 c 1 ) ' to itself. Such ⨍ form an algebra A, and when φ’∈ BMO(B(H)), the map Γ φ ' ( S ) is bounded A B ( H 2 ( H ) , L 2 ( H ) H 2 ( H ) ) . Thus we construct a functional calculus for operators of Foiaş-Williams-Peller type.

Multivariate spectral multipliers for systems of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators

Błażej Wróbel (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Multivariate spectral multipliers for systems of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators are studied. We prove that L p -uniform, 1 < p < ∞, spectral multipliers extend to holomorphic functions in some subset of a polysector, depending on p. We also characterize L¹-uniform spectral multipliers and prove a Marcinkiewicz-type multiplier theorem. In the appendix we obtain analogous results for systems of Laguerre operators.

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