On the problem of convergence of a bounded-below sequence of symmetric forms for the Schrödinger operators
This paper is devoted to the solvability of the Lyapunov equation A*U + UA = I, where A is a given nonselfadjoint differential operator of order 2m with nonlocal boundary conditions, A* is its adjoint, I is the identity operator and U is the selfadjoint operator to be found. We assume that the spectra of A* and -A are disjoint. Under this restriction we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the Lyapunov equation in the class of bounded operators.
We consider the Laplace operator in a planar waveguide, i.e. an infinite two-dimensional straight strip of constant width, with Robin boundary conditions. We study the essential spectrum of the corresponding Laplacian when the boundary coupling function has a limit at infinity. Furthermore, we derive sufficient conditions for the existence of discrete spectrum.
The Tomita-Takesaki Theory is very complex and can be contemplated from different points of view. In the decade 1970-1980 several approaches to it appeared, each one seeking to attain more transparency. One of them was the paper of S. L. Woronowicz "Operator systems and their application to the Tomita-Takesaki theory" that appeared in 1979. Woronowicz's approach allows a particularly precise insight into the nature of the Tomita-Takesaki Theory and in this paper we present a brief, but fairly detailed...