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Noninvertibility preservers on Banach algebras

Bojan Kuzma (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

It is proved that a linear surjection Φ 𝒜 , which preserves noninvertibility between semisimple, unital, complex Banach algebras, is automatically injective.

Norm conditions for real-algebra isomorphisms between uniform algebras

Rumi Shindo (2010)

Open Mathematics

Let A and B be uniform algebras. Suppose that α ≠ 0 and A 1 ⊂ A. Let ρ, τ: A 1 → A and S, T: A 1 → B be mappings. Suppose that ρ(A 1), τ(A 1) and S(A 1), T(A 1) are closed under multiplications and contain expA and expB, respectively. If ‖S(f)T(g) − α‖∞ = ‖ρ(f)τ(g) − α‖∞ for all f, g ∈ A 1, S(e 1)−1 ∈ S(A 1) and S(e 1) ∈ T(A 1) for some e 1 ∈ A 1 with ρ(e 1) = 1, then there exists a real-algebra isomorphism S ˜ : A → B such that S ˜ (ρ(f)) = S(e 1)−1 S(f) for every f ∈ A 1. We also give some applications...

On generalized derivations in Banach algebras

Nadia Boudi, Said Ouchrif (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We study generalized derivations G defined on a complex Banach algebra A such that the spectrum σ(Gx) is finite for all x ∈ A. In particular, we show that if A is unital and semisimple, then G is inner and implemented by elements of the socle of A.

On homomorphisms between C * -algebras and linear derivations on C * -algebras

Chun-Gil Park, Hahng-Yun Chu, Won-Gil Park, Hee-Jeong Wee (2005)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

It is shown that every almost linear Pexider mappings f , g , h from a unital C * -algebra 𝒜 into a unital C * -algebra are homomorphisms when f ( 2 n u y ) = f ( 2 n u ) f ( y ) , g ( 2 n u y ) = g ( 2 n u ) g ( y ) and h ( 2 n u y ) = h ( 2 n u ) h ( y ) hold for all unitaries u 𝒜 , all y 𝒜 , and all n , and that every almost linear continuous Pexider mappings f , g , h from a unital C * -algebra 𝒜 of real rank zero into a unital C * -algebra are homomorphisms when f ( 2 n u y ) = f ( 2 n u ) f ( y ) , g ( 2 n u y ) = g ( 2 n u ) g ( y ) and h ( 2 n u y ) = h ( 2 n u ) h ( y ) hold for all u { v 𝒜 v = v * and v is invertible } , all y 𝒜 and all n . Furthermore, we prove the Cauchy-Rassias stability of * -homomorphisms between unital C * -algebras, and -linear...

On partial isometries in C*-algebras

M. Laura Arias, Mostafa Mbekhta (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We study similarity to partial isometries in C*-algebras as well as their relationship with generalized inverses. Most of the results extend some recent results regarding partial isometries on Hilbert spaces. Moreover, we describe partial isometries by means of interpolation polynomials.

On the Lipschitz operator algebras

A. Ebadian, A. A. Shokri (2009)

Archivum Mathematicum

In a recent paper by H. X. Cao, J. H. Zhang and Z. B. Xu an α -Lipschitz operator from a compact metric space into a Banach space A is defined and characterized in a natural way in the sence that F : K A is a α -Lipschitz operator if and only if for each σ X * the mapping σ F is a α -Lipschitz function. The Lipschitz operators algebras L α ( K , A ) and l α ( K , A ) are developed here further, and we study their amenability and weak amenability of these algebras. Moreover, we prove an interesting result that L α ( K , A ) and l α ( K , A ) are isometrically...

Orthogonally additive mappings on Hilbert modules

Dijana Ilišević, Aleksej Turnšek, Dilian Yang (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We study the representation of orthogonally additive mappings acting on Hilbert C*-modules and Hilbert H*-modules. One of our main results shows that every continuous orthogonally additive mapping f from a Hilbert module W over 𝓚(𝓗) or 𝓗𝓢(𝓗) to a complex normed space is of the form f(x) = T(x) + Φ(⟨x,x⟩) for all x ∈ W, where T is a continuous additive mapping, and Φ is a continuous linear mapping.

Pexider type operators and their norms in X λ spaces

Abbas Najati, Themistocles M. Rassias (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we introduce Pexiderized generalized operators on certain special spaces introduced by Bielecki-Czerwik and investigate their norms.

Polynomially compact derivations on Banach algebras

Matej Brešar, Yuri V. Turovskii (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We consider a continuous derivation D on a Banach algebra 𝓐 such that p(D) is a compact operator for some polynomial p. It is shown that either 𝓐 has a nonzero finite-dimensional ideal not contained in the radical rad(𝓐) of 𝓐 or there exists another polynomial p̃ such that p̃(D) maps 𝓐 into rad(𝓐). A special case where Dⁿ is compact is discussed in greater detail.

Quasicompact endomorphisms of commutative semiprime Banach algebras

Joel F. Feinstein, Herbert Kamowitz (2010)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is a continuation of our study of compact, power compact, Riesz, and quasicompact endomorphisms of commutative Banach algebras. Previously it has been shown that if B is a unital commutative semisimple Banach algebra with connected character space, and T is a unital endomorphism of B, then T is quasicompact if and only if the operators Tⁿ converge in operator norm to a rank-one unital endomorphism of B. In this note the discussion is extended in two ways: we discuss endomorphisms of commutative...

Range inclusion results for derivations on noncommutative Banach algebras

Volker Runde (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a Banach algebra, and let D : A → A be a (possibly unbounded) derivation. We are interested in two problems concerning the range of D: 1. When does D map into the (Jacobson) radical of A? 2. If [a,Da] = 0 for some a ∈ A, is Da necessarily quasinilpotent? We prove that derivations satisfying certain polynomial identities map into the radical. As an application, we show that if [a,[a,[a,Da]]] lies in the prime radical of A for all a ∈ A, then D maps into the radical. This generalizes a result...

Real-linear isometries between certain subspaces of continuous functions

Arya Jamshidi, Fereshteh Sady (2013)

Open Mathematics

In this paper we first consider a real-linear isometry T from a certain subspace A of C(X) (endowed with supremum norm) into C(Y) where X and Y are compact Hausdorff spaces and give a result concerning the description of T whenever A is a uniform algebra on X. The result is improved for the case where T(A) is, in addition, a complex subspace of C(Y). We also give a similar description for the case where A is a function space on X and the range of T is a real subspace of C(Y) satisfying a ceratin...

Reflexivity of the isometry group of some classical spaces.

Félix Cabello Sánchez, Lajos Molnár (2002)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We investigate the reflexivity of the isometry group and the automorphism group of some important metric linear spaces and a1gebras. The paper consists of the following sections: 1. Preliminaries. 2. Sequence spaces. 3. Spaces of measurable functions. Hardy spaces. 5. Banach algebras of holomorphic functions. 6. Fréchet algebras of holomorphic functions. 7. Spaces of continuous functions.

Spectral isometries

Martin Mathieu (2005)

Banach Center Publications

In this survey, we summarise some of the recent progress on the structure of spectral isometries between C*-algebras.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 70