Displaying 21 – 40 of 308

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Second order elliptic operators with complex bounded measurable coefficients in  L p , Sobolev and Hardy spaces

Steve Hofmann, Svitlana Mayboroda, Alan McIntosh (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let  L be a second order divergence form elliptic operator with complex bounded measurable coefficients. The operators arising in connection with L , such as the heat semigroup and Riesz transform, are not, in general, of Calderón-Zygmund type and exhibit behavior different from their counterparts built upon the Laplacian. The current paper aims at a thorough description of the properties of such operators in  L p , Sobolev, and some new Hardy spaces naturally associated to  L . First, we show that the...

Self-adjoint differential vector-operators and matrix Hilbert spaces I

Maksim Sokolov (2005)

Open Mathematics

In the current work a generalization of the famous Weyl-Kodaira inversion formulas for the case of self-adjoint differential vector-operators is proved. A formula for spectral resolutions over an analytical defining set of solutions is discussed. The article is the first part of the planned two-part survey on the structural spectral theory of self-adjoint differential vector-operators in matrix Hilbert spaces.

Self-adjoint extensions by additive perturbations

Andrea Posilicano (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

Let A 𝒩 be the symmetric operator given by the restriction of A to 𝒩 , where A is a self-adjoint operator on the Hilbert space and 𝒩 is a linear dense set which is closed with respect to the graph norm on D ( A ) , the operator domain of A . We show that any self-adjoint extension A Θ of A 𝒩 such that D ( A Θ ) D ( A ) = 𝒩 can be additively decomposed by the sum A Θ = A ¯ + T Θ , where both the operators A ¯ and T Θ take values in the strong dual of D ( A ) . The operator A ¯ is the closed extension of A to the whole whereas T Θ is explicitly written in terms...

Selfadjoint operator matrices with finite rows

Jan Janas, Jan Stochel (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A generalization of the Carleman criterion for selfadjointness of Jacobi matrices to the case of symmetric matrices with finite rows is established. In particular, a new proof of the Carleman criterion is found. An extension of Jørgensen's criterion for selfadjointness of symmetric operators with "almost invariant" subspaces is obtained. Some applications to hyponormal weighted shifts are given.

Semiclassical Analysis of the Largest Gap of Quasi-Periodic Schrödinger Operators

H. Krüger (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this note, I wish to describe the first order semiclassical approximation to the spectrum of one frequency quasi-periodic operators. In the case of a sampling function with two critical points, the spectrum exhibits two gaps in the leading order approximation. Furthermore, I will give an example of a two frequency quasi-periodic operator, which has no gaps in the leading order of the semiclassical approximation.

Semigroup commutators under differences (II).

Nicholas Th. Varopoulos (1993)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

This is the second instalment of my previous paper with the same title, [1]. This paper consists of two different parts. The first part is devoted to improvements of the results developed in [1]. These improvements are described in section 0.1 below and developed in sections 1 to 5, and 9 to 10; they are in fact technically distinct from [1] and rely on a systematic use of microlocalisation in the context of Hörmander-Weyl calculus. These paragraphs can therefore be read quite independently from...

Semi-groupes d'opérateurs invariants et opérateurs dissipatifs invariants

Jacques Faraut, Khelifa Harzallah (1972)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit X un espace riemannien symétrique et C 0 ( X ) l’espace des fonctions continues sur X tendant vers 0 à l’infini. On démontre qu’un opérateur ( D A ' , A ) , invariant par les isométries de X , engendre un semi-groupe fortement continu de contractions sur C 0 ( X ) s’il est dissipatif et si son domaine contient les fonctions de classe 𝒞 à support compact.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 308