A note on Riesz elements in -algebras.
Denote by the commutator of two bounded operators and acting on a locally convex topological vector space. If , we show that is a quasinilpotent operator and we prove that if is a compact operator, then is a Riesz operator.
In this paper we characterize those bounded linear transformations carrying into the space of bounded continuous functions on , for which the convolution identity holds. It is shown that such a transformation is just the Fourier transform combined with an appropriate change of variable.
For a fixed n > 2, we study the set Λ of generalized idempotents, which are operators satisfying T n+1 = T. Also the subsets Λ†, of operators such that T n−1 is the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse of T, and Λ*, of operators such that T n−1 = T* (known as generalized projections) are studied. The local smooth structure of these sets is examined.
In this note we give a negative answer to Zem�nek’s question (1994) of whether it always holds that a Cesàro bounded operator on a Hilbert space with a single spectrum satisfies
Let L(H) denote the algebra of bounded linear operators on a complex separable and infinite dimensional Hilbert space H. For A, B ∈ L(H), the generalized derivation δA,B associated with (A, B), is defined by δA,B(X) = AX - XB for X ∈ L(H). In this note we give some sufficient conditions for A and B under which the intersection between the closure of the range of δA,B respect to the given topology and the kernel of δA*,B* vanishes.
In this note, we discuss certain generalizations of γ-radonifying operators and their applications to the regularity for linear stochastic evolution equations on some special Banach spaces. Furthermore, we also consider a more general class of operators, namely the so-called summing operators and discuss the application to the compactness of the heat semi-group between weighted -spaces.
We introduce a notion of analytic generator for groups of unbounded operators, on Banach modules, arising from Esterle’s quasimultiplier theory. Characterizations of analytic generators are given in terms of the existence of certain functional calculi. This extends recent results about C₀ groups of bounded operators. The theory is applicable to sectorial operators, representations of , and integrated groups.