Displaying 241 – 260 of 651

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Isomorphisms of some reflexive algebras

Jiankui Li, Zhidong Pan (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Suppose ℒ₁ and ℒ₂ are subspace lattices on complex separable Banach spaces X and Y, respectively. We prove that under certain lattice-theoretic conditions every isomorphism from algℒ₁ to algℒ₂ is quasi-spatial; in particular, if a subspace lattice ℒ of a complex separable Banach space X contains a sequence E i such that ( E i ) X , E i E i + 1 , and i = 1 E i = X then every automorphism of algℒ is quasi-spatial.

J-subspace lattices and subspace M-bases

W. Longstaff, Oreste Panaia (2000)

Studia Mathematica

The class of J-lattices was defined in the second author’s thesis. A subspace lattice on a Banach space X which is also a J-lattice is called a J- subspace lattice, abbreviated JSL. Every atomic Boolean subspace lattice, abbreviated ABSL, is a JSL. Any commutative JSL on Hilbert space, as well as any JSL on finite-dimensional space, is an ABSL. For any JSL ℒ both LatAlg ℒ and (on reflexive space) are JSL’s. Those families of subspaces which arise as the set of atoms of some JSL on X are characterised...

Korovkin theory in normed algebras

Ferdinand Beckhoff (1991)

Studia Mathematica

If A is a normed power-associative complex algebra such that the selfadjoint part is normally ordered with respect to some order, then the Korovkin closure (see the introduction for definitions) of T ∪ {t* ∘ t| t ∈ T} contains J*(T) for any subset T of A. This can be applied to C*-algebras, minimal norm ideals on a Hilbert space, and to H*-algebras. For bounded H*-algebras and dual C*-algebras there is even equality. This answers a question posed in [1].

K-theory of Boutet de Monvel's algebra

Severino T. Melo, Ryszard Nest, Elmar Schrohe (2003)

Banach Center Publications

We consider the norm closure 𝔄 of the algebra of all operators of order and class zero in Boutet de Monvel's calculus on a compact manifold X with boundary ∂X. Assuming that all connected components of X have nonempty boundary, we show that K₁(𝔄) ≃ K₁(C(X)) ⊕ ker χ, where χ: K₀(C₀(T*Ẋ)) → ℤ is the topological index, T*Ẋ denoting the cotangent bundle of the interior. Also K₀(𝔄) is topologically determined. In case ∂X has torsion free K-theory, we get K₀(𝔄) ≃ K₀(C(X)) ⊕ K₁(C₀(T*Ẋ)).

Layer potentials C*-algebras of domains with conical points

Catarina Carvalho, Yu Qiao (2013)

Open Mathematics

To a domain with conical points Ω, we associate a natural C*-algebra that is motivated by the study of boundary value problems on Ω, especially using the method of layer potentials. In two dimensions, we allow Ω to be a domain with ramified cracks. We construct an explicit groupoid associated to ∂Ω and use the theory of pseudodifferential operators on groupoids and its representations to obtain our layer potentials C*-algebra. We study its structure, compute the associated K-groups, and prove Fredholm...

Lie algebras generated by Jordan operators

Peng Cao, Shanli Sun (2008)

Studia Mathematica

It is proved that if J i is a Jordan operator on a Hilbert space with the Jordan decomposition J i = N i + Q i , where N i is normal and Q i is compact and quasinilpotent, i = 1,2, and the Lie algebra generated by J₁,J₂ is an Engel Lie algebra, then the Banach algebra generated by J₁,J₂ is an Engel algebra. Some results for normal operators and Jordan operators on Banach spaces are given.

Limited p -converging operators and relation with some geometric properties of Banach spaces

Mohammad B. Dehghani, Seyed M. Moshtaghioun (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

By using the concepts of limited p -converging operators between two Banach spaces X and Y , L p -sets and L p -limited sets in Banach spaces, we obtain some characterizations of these concepts relative to some well-known geometric properties of Banach spaces, such as * -Dunford–Pettis property of order p and Pelczyński’s property of order p , 1 p < .

Linear inessential operators and generalized inverses

Bruce A. Barnes (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The space of inessential bounded linear operators from one Banach space X into another Y is introduced. This space, I ( X , Y ) , is a subspace of B ( X , Y ) which generalizes Kleinecke’s ideal of inessential operators. For certain subspaces W of I ( X , Y ) , it is shown that when T B ( X , Y ) has a generalized inverse modulo W , then there exists a projection P B ( X ) such that T ( I - P ) has a generalized inverse and T P W .

Linear maps Lie derivable at zero on 𝒥-subspace lattice algebras

Xiaofei Qi, Jinchuan Hou (2010)

Studia Mathematica

A linear map L on an algebra is said to be Lie derivable at zero if L([A,B]) = [L(A),B] + [A,L(B)] whenever [A,B] = 0. It is shown that, for a 𝒥-subspace lattice ℒ on a Banach space X satisfying dim K ≠ 2 whenever K ∈ 𝒥(ℒ), every linear map on ℱ(ℒ) (the subalgebra of all finite rank operators in the JSL algebra Alg ℒ) Lie derivable at zero is of the standard form A ↦ δ (A) + ϕ(A), where δ is a generalized derivation and ϕ is a center-valued linear map. A characterization of linear maps Lie derivable...

Little G. T. for lp-lattice summing operators

Mezrag, Lahcène (2006)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B28, 47D15.In this paper we introduce and study the lp-lattice summing operators in the category of operator spaces which are the analogous of p-lattice summing operators in the commutative case. We study some interesting characterizations of this type of operators which generalize the results of Nielsen and Szulga and we show that Λ l∞( B(H) ,OH) ≠ Λ l2( B( H) ,OH), in opposition to the commutative case.

Local entropy moduli and eigenvalues of operators in Banach spaces.

Bernd Carl, Thomas Kühn (1985)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In the paper local entropy moduli of operators between Banach spaces are introduced. They constitue a generalization of entropy numbers and moduli, and localize these notions in an appropriate way. Many results regarding entropy numbers and moduli can be carried over to local entropy moduli. We investigate relations between local entropy moduli and s-numbers, spectral properties, eigenvalues, absolutely summing operators. As applications, local entropy moduli of identical and diagonal operators...

Local properties of accessible injective operator ideals

F. Oertel (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In addition to Pisier’s counterexample of a non-accessible maximal Banach ideal, we will give a large class of maximal Banach ideals which are accessible. The first step is implied by the observation that a “good behaviour” of trace duality, which is canonically induced by conjugate operator ideals can be extended to adjoint Banach ideals, if and only if these adjoint ideals satisfy an accessibility condition (theorem 3.1). This observation leads in a natural way to a characterization of accessible...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 651