Displaying 581 – 600 of 651

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Unconditionally p-null sequences and unconditionally p-compact operators

Ju Myung Kim (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate sequences and operators via the unconditionally p-summable sequences. We characterize the unconditionally p-null sequences in terms of a certain tensor product and then prove that, for every 1 ≤ p < ∞, a subset of a Banach space is relatively unconditionally p-compact if and only if it is contained in the closed convex hull of an unconditionally p-null sequence.

Unitaires multiplicatifs en dimension finie et leurs sous-objets

Saad Baaj, Étienne Blanchard, Georges Skandalis (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On appelle pré-sous-groupe d’un unitaire multiplicatif V agissant sur un espace hilbertien de dimension finie une droite vectorielle L de telle que V ( L L ) = L L . Nous montrons que les pré-sous-groupes sont en nombre fini, donnons un équivalent du théorème de Lagrange et généralisons à ce cadre la construction du “bi-produit croisé”. De plus, nous établissons des bijections entre pré-sous-groupes et sous-algèbres coïdéales de l’algèbre de Hopf associée à V , et donc, d’après Izumi, Longo, Popa, avec les...

Volume ratios in L p -spaces

Yehoram Gordon, Marius Junge (1999)

Studia Mathematica

There exists an absolute constant c 0 such that for any n-dimensional Banach space E there exists a k-dimensional subspace F ⊂ E with k≤ n/2 such that i n f e l l i p s o i d ε B E ( v o l ( B E ) / v o l ( ε ) ) 1 / n c 0 i n f z o n o i d Z B F ( v o l ( B F ) / v o l ( Z ) ) 1 / k . The concept of volume ratio with respect to p -spaces is used to prove the following distance estimate for 2 q p < : s u p F p , d i m F = n i n f G L q , d i m G = n d ( F , G ) c p q n ( q / 2 ) ( 1 / q - 1 / p ) .

Weak uniform continuity and weak sequential continuity of continuous n-linear mappings between Banach spaces.

Rajappa K. Asthagiri (1991)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this paper it is shown that the class LnWU (E1,E2,...,En;F) of weakly uniformly continuous n-linear mappings from E1x E2x...x En to F on bounded sets coincides with the class LnWSC (E1,E2,...,En;F) of weakly sequentially continuous n-linear mappings if and only if for every Banach space F, each Banach space Ei for i = 1,2,...,n does not contain a copy of l1.

When is L(X) topologizable as a topological algebra?

W. Żelazko (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a locally convex space and L(X) be the algebra of all continuous endomorphisms of X. It is known (Esterle [2], [3]) that if L(X) is topologizable as a topological algebra, then the space X is subnormed. We show that in the case when X is sequentially complete this condition is also sufficient. In this case we also obtain some other conditions equivalent to the topologizability of L(X). We also exhibit a class of subnormed spaces X, called sub-Banach spaces, which are not necessarily sequentially...

Wiener amalgam spaces for the fundamental identity of Gabor analysis.

Hans G. Feichtinger, Franz Luef (2006)

Collectanea Mathematica

In the last decade it has become clear that one of the central themes within Gabor analysis (with respect to general time-frequency lattices) is a duality theory for Gabor frames, including the Wexler-Raz biorthogonality condition, the Ron-Shen duality principle and the Janssen representation of a Gabor frame operator. All these results are closely connected with the so-called Fundamental Identity of Gabor Analysis, which we derive from an application of Poisson's summation formula for the symplectic...

Currently displaying 581 – 600 of 651