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Tangent Dirac structures of higher order

P. M. Kouotchop Wamba, A. Ntyam, J. Wouafo Kamga (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let L be an almost Dirac structure on a manifold M . In [2] Theodore James Courant defines the tangent lifting of L on T M and proves that: If L is integrable then the tangent lift is also integrable. In this paper, we generalize this lifting to tangent bundle of higher order.

Tangent Lie algebras to the holonomy group of a Finsler manifold

Zoltán Muzsnay, Péter T. Nagy (2011)

Communications in Mathematics

Our goal in this paper is to make an attempt to find the largest Lie algebra of vector fields on the indicatrix such that all its elements are tangent to the holonomy group of a Finsler manifold. First, we introduce the notion of the curvature algebra, generated by curvature vector fields, then we define the infinitesimal holonomy algebra by the smallest Lie algebra of vector fields on an indicatrix, containing the curvature vector fields and their horizontal covariant derivatives with respect to...

Tangent lifts of higher order of multiplicative Dirac structures

P. M. Kouotchop Wamba, A. Ntyam (2013)

Archivum Mathematicum

The tangent lifts of higher order of Dirac structures and some properties have been defined in [9] and studied in [11]. By the same way, the tangent lifts of higher order of Poisson structures have been studied in [10] and some applications are given. In particular, the authors have studied the nature of the Lie algebroids and singular foliations induced by these lifting. In this paper, we study the tangent lifts of higher order of multiplicative Poisson structures, multiplicative Dirac structures...

Tangent Lines and Lipschitz Differentiability Spaces

Fabio Cavalletti, Tapio Rajala (2016)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We study the existence of tangent lines, i.e. subsets of the tangent space isometric to the real line, in tangent spaces of metric spaces.We first revisit the almost everywhere metric differentiability of Lipschitz continuous curves. We then show that any blow-up done at a point of metric differentiability and of density one for the domain of the curve gives a tangent line. Metric differentiability enjoys a Borel measurability property and this will permit us to use it in the framework of Lipschitz...

Tautological relations and the r -spin Witten conjecture

Carel Faber, Sergey Shadrin, Dimitri Zvonkine (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

In [11], A. Givental introduced a group action on the space of Gromov–Witten potentials and proved its transitivity on the semi-simple potentials. In [24, 25], Y.-P. Lee showed, modulo certain results announced by C. Teleman, that this action respects the tautological relations in the cohomology ring of the moduli space ¯ g , n of stable pointed curves. Here we give a simpler proof of this result. In particular, it implies that in any semi-simple Gromov–Witten theory where arbitrary correlators can be...

Technicalities in the calculation of the 3rd post-Newtonian dynamics

Piotr Jaranowski (1997)

Banach Center Publications

Dynamics of a point-particle system interacting gravitationally according to the general theory of relativity can be analyzed within the canonical formalism of Arnowitt, Deser, and Misner. To describe the property of being a point particle one can employ Dirac delta distribution in the energy-momentum tensor of the system. We report some mathematical difficulties which arise in deriving the 3rd post-Newtonian Hamilton's function for such a system. We also offer ways to overcome partially these difficulties....

Tenseness of Riemannian flows

Hiraku Nozawa, José Ignacio Royo Prieto (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that any transversally complete Riemannian foliation of dimension one on any possibly non-compact manifold M is tense; namely, M admits a Riemannian metric such that the mean curvature form of is basic. This is a partial generalization of a result of Domínguez, which says that any Riemannian foliation on any compact manifold is tense. Our proof is based on some results of Molino and Sergiescu, and it is simpler than the original proof by Domínguez. As an application, we generalize some...

Tensor approach to multidimensional webs

Alena Vanžurová (1998)

Mathematica Bohemica

An anholonomic ( n + 1 ) -web of dimension r is considered as an ( n + 1 ) -tuple of r -dimensional distributions in general position. We investigate a family of ( 1 , 1 ) -tensor fields (projectors and nilpotents associated with a web in a natural way) which will be used for characterization of all linear connections on a manifold preserving the given web.

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