The enveloping group of a lie algebra
Restricting his considerations to the Euclidean plane, the author shows a method leading to the solution of the equivalence problem for all Lie groups of motions. Further, he presents all transitive one-parametric system of motions in the Euclidean plane.
This paper is a continuation of [19], [21], [22]. We study flat connections with isolated singularities in some transitive Lie algebroids for which either or or are isotropy Lie algebras. Under the assumption that the dimension of the isotropy Lie algebra is equal to , where is the dimension of the base manifold, we assign to any such isolated singularity a real number called an index. For -Lie algebroids, this index cannot be an integer. We prove the index theorem (the Euler-Poincaré-Hopf...
TheHermitian symmetric spaceM = EIII appears in the classification of complete simply connected Riemannian manifolds carrying a parallel even Clifford structure [19]. This means the existence of a real oriented Euclidean vector bundle E over it together with an algebra bundle morphism φ : Cl0(E) → End(TM) mapping Ʌ2E into skew-symmetric endomorphisms, and the existence of a metric connection on E compatible with φ. We give an explicit description of such a vector bundle E as a sub-bundle of End(TM)....
We investigate the gradient flow associated to the prescribed scalar curvature problem on compact riemannian surfaces. We prove the global existence and the convergence at infinity of this flow under sufficient conditions on the prescribed function, which we suppose just continuous. In particular, this gives a uniform approach to solve the prescribed scalar curvature problem for general compact surfaces.
We compute the evolution equation of the Weyl tensor under the Ricci flow of a Riemannian manifold and we discuss some consequences for the classification of locally conformally flat Ricci solitons.