Displaying 801 – 820 of 8494

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Absolute countable compactness of products and topological groups

Yan-Kui Song (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we generalize Vaughan's and Bonanzinga's results on absolute countable compactness of product spaces and give an example of a separable, countably compact, topological group which is not absolutely countably compact. The example answers questions of Matveev [8, Question 1] and Vaughan [9, Question (1)].

Absolute end points of irreducible continua

Janusz Jerzy Charatonik (1993)

Mathematica Bohemica

A concept of an absolute end point introduced and studied by Ira Rosenholtz for arc-like continua is extended in the paper to be applied arbitrary irreducible continua. Some interrelations are studied between end points, absolute end points and points at which a given irreducible continuum is smooth.

Absolute n-fold hyperspace suspensions

Sergio Macías, Sam B. Nadler, Jr. (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The notion of an absolute n-fold hyperspace suspension is introduced. It is proved that these hyperspaces are unicoherent Peano continua and are dimensionally homogeneous. It is shown that the 2-sphere is the only finite-dimensional absolute 1-fold hyperspace suspension. Furthermore, it is shown that there are only two possible finite-dimensional absolute n-fold hyperspace suspensions for each n ≥ 3 and none when n = 2. Finally, it is shown that infinite-dimensional absolute n-fold hyperspace suspensions...

Absolutely strongly star-Hurewicz spaces

Yan-Kui Song (2015)

Open Mathematics

A space X is absolutely strongly star-Hurewicz if for each sequence (Un :n ∈ℕ/ of open covers of X and each dense subset D of X, there exists a sequence (Fn :n ∈ℕ/ of finite subsets of D such that for each x ∈X, x ∈St(Fn; Un) for all but finitely many n. In this paper, we investigate the relationships between absolutely strongly star-Hurewicz spaces and related spaces, and also study topological properties of absolutely strongly star-Hurewicz spaces.

Absolutely terminal continua and confluent mappings

Janusz Jerzy Charatonik (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Interrelations between three concepts of terminal continua and their behaviour, when the underlying continuum is confluently mapped, are studied.

Currently displaying 801 – 820 of 8494