Inversion and joint continuity in semigroups on kw-spaces.
Inversion in a class of lattice-ordered algebras
Inversion-closed space has Daniell property
Investigating the ANR-property of metric spaces
Involutions on solenoidal spaces
Involutions on the second duals of group algebras versus subamenable groups
Let L¹(G)** be the second dual of the group algebra L¹(G) of a locally compact group G. We study the question of involutions on L¹(G)**. A new class of subamenable groups is introduced which is universal for all groups. There is no involution on L¹(G)** for a subamenable group G.
Involutions with fixed points in 2-Banach spaces.
Irreducibility and generation in continuous lattices.
Irreducibility and indecomposability in inverse limits
Irreducibility of inverse limits on intervals
A procedure for obtaining points of irreducibility for an inverse limit on intervals is developed. In connection with this, the following are included. A semiatriodic continuum is defined to be a continuum that contains no triod with interior. Characterizations of semiatriodic and unicoherent continua are given, as well as necessary and sufficient conditions for a subcontinuum of a semiatriodic and unicoherent continuum M to lie within the interior of a proper subcontinuum of M.
Irreducible continua of higher dimension
Irreducible continua with degenerate end-tranches and arcwise accessibility in hyperspaces
Irreducible Filters and Sober Spaces.
Irreducible images of
Irreducible mapping and the lightness of open mappings.
Irreducible mappings and HU-terminal continua.
Irreducible representations of metrizable spaces and strongly countable-dimensional spaces
Irreducibly confluent mappings
Irresolute multifunctions.