Sobrification of partially ordered sets.
A dense-in-itself space is called -discrete if the space of real continuous functions on with its box topology, , is a discrete space. A space is called almost--resolvable provided that is the union of a countable increasing family of subsets each of them with an empty interior. We analyze these classes of spaces by determining their relations with -resolvable and almost resolvable spaces. We prove that every almost--resolvable space is -discrete, and that these classes coincide in...
Strongly paracompact metrizable spaces are characterized in terms of special S-maps onto metrizable non-Archimedean spaces. A similar characterization of strongly metrizable spaces is obtained as well. The approach is based on a sieve-construction of "metric"-continuous pseudo-sections of lower semicontinuous mappings.
For a Tikhonov space X we denote by Pc(X) the semilattice of all continuous pseudometrics on X. It is proved that compact Hausdorff spaces X and Y are homeomorphic if and only if there is a positive-homogeneous (or an additive) semi-lattice isomorphism T:Pc(X) → Pc(Y). A topology on Pc(X) is called admissible if it is intermediate between the compact-open and pointwise topologies on Pc(X). Another result states that Tikhonov spaces X and Y are homeomorphic if and only if there exists a positive-homogeneous...
The local structure of homogeneous continua (curves) is studied. Components of open subsets of each homogeneous curve which is not a solenoid have the disjoint arcs property. If the curve is aposyndetic, then the components are nonplanar. A new characterization of solenoids is formulated: a continuum is a solenoid if and only if it is homogeneous, contains no terminal nontrivial subcontinua and small subcontinua are not ∞-ods.
The aim of this paper is to prove the generalized Schoenflies theorem for the class of absolute suspensions. The question whether the finite-dimensional absolute suspensions are homeomorphic to spheres remains open. Partial solution to this question was obtained in [Sz] and [Mi]. Morton Brown gave in [Br] an ingenious proof of the generalized Schoenflies theorem. Careful analysis of his proof reveals that modulo some technical adjustments a similar argument gives an analogous result for the class...
Usually, an abelian -group, even an archimedean -group, has a relatively large infinity of distinct -closures. Here, we find a reasonably large class with unique and perfectly describable -closure, the class of archimedean -groups with weak unit which are “-convex”. ( is the group of rationals.) Any is -convex and its unique -closure is the Alexandroff algebra of functions on defined from the clopen sets; this is sometimes .
In each manifold modeled on a finite or infinite dimensional cube , , we construct a meager -subset which is universal meager in the sense that for each meager subset there is a homeomorphism such that . We also prove that any two universal meager -sets in are ambiently homeomorphic.