Coincidence classes in nonorientable manifolds.
This paper centers around two basic problems of topological coincidence theory. First, try to measure (with the help of Nielsen and minimum numbers) how far a given pair of maps is from being loose, i.e. from being homotopic to a pair of coincidence free maps. Secondly, describe the set of loose pairs of homotopy classes. We give a brief (and necessarily very incomplete) survey of some old and new advances concerning the first problem. Then we attack the second problem mainly in the setting of homotopy...
Generalized and unified versions of coincidence or maximal element theorems of Fan, Yannelis and Prabhakar, Ha, Sessa, Tarafdar, Rim and Kim, Mehta and Sessa, Kim and Tan are obtained. Our arguments are based on our recent works on a broad class of multifunctions containing composites of acyclic maps defined on convex subsets of Hausdorff topological vector spaces.
On définit le bicomplexe , extension naturelle du complexe engendré par un ensemble simplicial . Ceci permet de définir la notion de ruban de base un cycle de . La somme directe de l’homologie des colonnes de contient, outre l’homologie de , des groupes dans lesquels se trouvent les obstructions à l’existence de rubans. Si est un sous-ensemble simplicial, stable par subdivision, de l’ensemble des simplexes singuliers d’un espace topologique, l’existence de rubans entraîne l’invariance...
Si descrive un metodo generale mediante il quale associare in modo naturale spazi topologici ad insiemi parzialmente ordinati e funzioni continue afunzioni monotone tra di essi; questa associazione è chiaramente la chiave di volta per fondare l’utilizzo di metodi topologici nella teoria combinatoria degli insiemi parzialmente ordinati. Si discutono quindi alcuni criteri di contraibilità e si presenta una breve introduzione alla teoria dei «poset Cohen-Macaulay». Il lavoro si conclude con una sezione...
We describe how the graded minimal resolution of certain semigroup algebras is related to the combinatorics of some simplicial complexes. We obtain characterizations of the Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein conditions. The Cohen-Macaulay type is computed from combinatorics. As an application, we compute explicitly the graded minimal resolution of monomial both affine and simplicial projective surfaces.