Maps and Equivalences into Equalizing Fibrations and from Coequalizing Cofibrations.
Let R be a subring ring of Q. We reserve the symbol p for the least prime which is not a unit in R; if R ⊒Q, then p=∞. Denote by DGL nnp, n≥1, the category of (n-1)-connected np-dimensional differential graded free Lie algebras over R. In [1] D. Anick has shown that there is a reasonable concept of homotopy in the category DGL nnp. In this work we intend to answer the following two questions: Given an object (L(V), ϖ) in DGL n3n+2 and denote by S(L(V), ϖ) the class of objects homotopy equivalent...
The problem of the characterization of graded Lie algebras which admit a realization as the homotopy Lie algebra of a space of type is discussed. The central results are formulated in terms of varieties of structure constants, several criterions for concrete algebras are also deduced.
Basic examples show that coincidence theory is intimately related to central subjects of differential topology and homotopy theory such as Kervaire invariants and divisibility properties of Whitehead products and of Hopf invariants. We recall some recent results and ask a few questions which seem to be important for a more comprehensive understanding.