Displaying 81 – 100 of 576

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On complete intersections

Franc Forstnerič (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We construct closed complex submanifolds of n which are differential but not holomorphic complete intersections. We also prove a homotopy principle concerning the removal of intersections with certain complex subvarieties of n .

On condition ( a f ) of a stratified mapping

Satoshi Koike (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

For a stratified mapping f , we consider the condition ( a f ) concerning the kernel of the differential of f . We show that the condition ( a f ) is equivalent to the condition ( a f S ) which has a more obvious geometric content.

On conformally flat Lorentz parabolic manifolds

Yoshinobu Kamishima (2014)

Open Mathematics

We introduce conformally flat Fefferman-Lorentz manifold of parabolic type as a special class of Lorentz parabolic manifolds. It is a smooth (2n+2)-manifold locally modeled on (Û(n+1, 1), S 2n+1,1). As the terminology suggests, when a Fefferman-Lorentz manifold M is conformally flat, M is a Fefferman-Lorentz manifold of parabolic type. We shall discuss which compact manifolds occur as a conformally flat Fefferman-Lorentz manifold of parabolic type.

On constructions of generalized skein modules

Uwe Kaiser (2014)

Banach Center Publications

Józef Przytycki introduced skein modules of 3-manifolds and skein deformation initiating algebraic topology based on knots. We discuss the generalized skein modules of Walker, defined by fields and local relations. Some results by Przytycki are proven in a more general setting of fields defined by decorated cell-complexes in manifolds. A construction of skein theory from embedded TQFT-functors is given, and the corresponding background is developed. The possible coloring of fields by elements of...

On cotangent bundles of some natural bundles

Kolář, Ivan (1994)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The author studies relations between the following two types of natural operators: 1. Natural operators transforming vector fields on manifolds into vector fields on a natural bundle F ; 2. Natural operators transforming vector fields on manifolds into functions on the cotangent bundle of F . It is deduced that under certain assumptions on F , all natural operators of the second type can be constructed through those of the first one.

On Countable Dense and Strong Local Homogeneity

Jan van Mill (2005)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We present an example of a connected, Polish, countable dense homogeneous space X that is not strongly locally homogeneous. In fact, a nontrivial homeomorphism of X is the identity on no nonempty open subset of X.

On countable dense and strong n-homogeneity

Jan van Mill (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that if a space X is countable dense homogeneous and no set of size n-1 separates it, then X is strongly n-homogeneous. Our main result is the construction of an example of a Polish space X that is strongly n-homogeneous for every n, but not countable dense homogeneous.

On curvature constructions of symplectic forms

Anna Szczepkowska, Aleksy Tralle, Artur Woike (2011)

Banach Center Publications

We generalize the result of Lerman [Letters Math. Phys. 15 (1988)] concerning the condition of fatness of the canonical connection in a certain principal fibre bundle. We also describe new classes of symplectically fat bundles: twistor budles over spheres, bundles over quaternionic Kähler homogeneous spaces and locally homogeneous complex manifolds.

On deformations of holomorphic foliations

Joan Girbau, Marcel Nicolau (1989)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Given a non-singular holomorphic foliation on a compact manifold M we analyze the relationship between the versal spaces K and K tr of deformations of as a holomorphic foliation and as a transversely holomorphic foliation respectively. With this purpose, we prove the existence of a versal unfolding of parametrized by an analytic space K f isomorphic to π - 1 ( 0 ) × Σ where Σ is smooth and π : K K tr is the forgetful map. The map π is shown to be an epimorphism in two situations: (i) if H 2 ( M , Θ f ) = 0 , where Θ f is the sheaf of...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 576