Knotted Lattice-Like Space Fillers.
In 1997, Chekanov gave the first example of a Legendrian nonsimple knot type: the knot. Epstein, Fuchs, and Meyer extended his result by showing that there are at least different Legendrian representatives with maximal Thurston-Bennequin number of the twist knot with crossing number . In this paper we give a complete classification of Legendrian and transverse representatives of twist knots. In particular, we show that has exactly Legendrian representatives with maximal Thurston–Bennequin...
In this paper we clarify the relationship between ribbon surfaces of Legendrian graphs and quasipositive diagrams by using certain fence diagrams. As an application, we give an alternative proof of a theorem concerning a relationship between quasipositive fiber surfaces and contact structures on . We also answer a question of L. Rudolph concerning moves of quasipositive diagrams.
Soit un entier . Une 3-variété est dite -périodique si et seulement si le groupe cyclique agit semi-librement sur avec un cercle comme l’ensemble des points fixes. Dans cet article, nous utilisons les invariants quantiques pour établir des conditions nécessaires pour qu’une 3-variété soit périodique.
We compute link bordism skein modules of colored oriented links in oriented 3-manifolds. A Hurewicz theorem relating link bordism and link homotopy skein modules is proved.
In this paper we define a link homotopy invariant of spatial graphs based on the second degree coefficient of the Conway polynomial of a knot.
A birack is an algebraic structure with axioms encoding the blackboard-framed Reidemeister moves, incorporating quandles, racks, strong biquandles and semiquandles as special cases. In this paper we extend the counting invariant for finite racks to the case of finite biracks. We introduce a family of biracks generalizing Alexander quandles, (t,s)-racks, Alexander biquandles and Silver-Williams switches, known as (τ,σ,ρ)-biracks. We consider enhancements of the counting invariant using writhe vectors,...