Modifying surfaces in 4-manifolds by twist spinning.
On sait, depuis des travaux de Burde et de Rham, que l’étude des représentations du groupe d’un nœud dans le groupe des matrices triangulaires supérieures inversibles d’ordre permet de détecter les racines du polynôme d’Alexander du nœud. Dans ce travail, nous nous proposons de généraliser ce résultat et ce en considérant les représentations du groupe du nœud dans le groupe des matrices triangulaires supérieures inversibles d’ordre . Cette approche nous permettra de retrouver la décomposition...
For each graph G, we define a chain complex of graded modules over the ring of polynomials whose graded Euler characteristic is equal to the chromatic polynomial of G. Furthermore, we define a chain complex of doubly-graded modules whose (doubly) graded Euler characteristic is equal to the dichromatic polynomial of G. Both constructions use Koszul complexes, and are similar to the new Khovanov-Rozansky categorifications of the HOMFLYPT polynomial. We also give a simplified definition of this triply-graded...
En définissant une nouvelle classe de nœuds dans les variétés de dimension 3, on obtient une démonstration plus classique du théorème de rigidité virtuelle des variétés hyperboliques de D. Gabai.
For a knot in the 3-sphere and a regular representation of its group into SU(2) we construct a non abelian Reidemeister torsion form on the first twisted cohomology group of the knot exterior. This non abelian Reidemeister torsion form provides a volume form on the SU(2)-representation space of . In another way, we construct using Casson’s original construction a natural volume form on the SU(2)-representation space of . Next, we compare these two apparently different points of view on the representation...
We build the flows of non singular Morse-Smale systems on the 3-sphere from its round handle decomposition. We show the existence of flows corresponding to the same link of periodic orbits that are non equivalent. So, the link of periodic orbits is not in a 1-1 correspondence with this type of flows and we search for other topological invariants such as the associated dual graph.
A conjecture of [swTAMS] states that a knot is nonfibered if and only if its infinite cyclic cover has uncountably many finite covers. We prove the conjecture for a class of knots that includes all knots of genus 1, using techniques from symbolic dynamics.