The classiflcation of maps of surfaces.
This note gives a complete description of the cohomology algebra of any orientable Seifert manifold with ℤ/p coefficients, for an arbitrary prime p. As an application, the existence of a degree one map from an orientable Seifert manifold onto a lens space is completely determined. A second application shows that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category for a large class of Seifert manifolds is equal to 3, which in turn is used to verify the Ganea conjecture for these Seifert manifolds.
This article introduces the definition of n-locally Euclidean topological spaces and topological manifolds [13].
We prove the “End Curve Theorem,” which states that a normal surface singularity with rational homology sphere link is a splice quotient singularity if and only if it has an end curve function for each leaf of a good resolution tree. An “end curve function” is an analytic function whose zero set intersects in the knot given by a meridian curve of the exceptional curve corresponding to the given leaf. A “splice quotient singularity” is described by giving an explicit set of equations describing...