Displaying 521 – 540 of 1237

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Infinite group actions on spheres.

Gaven J. Martin (1988)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

This paper is mainly intended as a survey of the recent work of a number of authors concerning certain infinite group actions on spheres and to raise some as yet unanswered questions. The main thrust of the current research in this area has been to decide what topological and geometrical properties characterise the infinite conformal or Möbius groups. One should then obtain reasonable topological or geometrical restrictions on a subgroup G of the homeomorphism group of a sphere which will imply...

Instability of the eikonal equation and shape from shading

Ian Barnes, Kewei Zhang (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In the shape from shading problem of computer vision one attempts to recover the three-dimensional shape of an object or landscape from the shading on a single image. Under the assumptions that the surface is dusty, distant, and illuminated only from above, the problem reduces to that of solving the eikonal equation |Du|=f on a domain in 2 . Despite various existence and uniqueness theorems for smooth solutions, we show that this problem is unstable, which is catastrophic for general numerical algorithms. ...

Invariants homotopiques attachés aux fibrés symplectiques

Pierre Dazord (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On donne une construction géométrique d’invariants généralisant la classe de Maslov-Arnold d’une immersion lagrangienne dans un fibré cotangent et l’indice de Maslov-Arnold-Leray d’une immersion lagrangienne 2 q -orientée dans R n R n * : la classe de Maslov-Arnold universelle d’un fibré symplectique et l’indice de Maslov-Arnold-Leray d’un fibré q -symplectique, c’est-à-dire dont le groupe structural est le revêtement à q feuillets de S p ( n ) . Tout ceci relève d’une situation géométrique générale dans laquelle s’introduisent...

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 1237