An algorithm to detect laminar 3-manifolds.
An elementary proof of the following theorem is given:THEOREM. Let M be a compact connected surface without boundary. Consider a C∞ action of Rn on M. Then, if the Euler-Poincaré characteristic of M is non zero there exists a fixed point.
Within geometric topology of 3-manifolds (with or without boundary), a representation theory exists, which makes use of 4-coloured graphs. Aim of this paper is to translate the homeomorphism problem for the represented manifolds into an equivalence problem for 4-coloured graphs, by means of a finite number of graph-moves, called dipole moves. Moreover, interesting consequences are obtained, which are related with the same problem in the n-dimensional setting.
We prove an extension of the well-known combinatorial-topological lemma of E. Sperner to the case of infinite-dimensional cubes. It is obtained as a corollary to an infinitary extension of the Lebesgue Covering Dimension Theorem.
These notes accompany some lectures given at the autumn school “Tresses in Pau” in October 2009. The abelian Reidemeister torsion for -manifolds, and its refinements by Turaev, are introduced. Some applications, including relations between the Reidemeister torsion and other classical invariants, are surveyed.