La conjecture de Segal
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Journal of Lie Theory
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Documenta Mathematica
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Inventiones mathematicae
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Annales de l’institut Fourier
We give general sufficient conditions to guarantee that a given subgroup of the group of diffeomorphisms of a smooth or real-analytic manifold has a compatible Lie group structure. These results, together with recent work concerning jet parametrization and complete systems for CR automorphisms, are then applied to determine when the global CR automorphism group of a CR manifold is a Lie group in an appropriate topology.
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Annales de l'institut Fourier
The orbit space of a linear Hamiltonian circle action and the reduced orbit space, at zero, are examples of singular Poisson spaces. The orbit space inherits the Poisson algebra of functions invariant under the linear circle action and the reduced orbit space inherits the Poisson algebra obtained by restricting the invariant functions to the reduced space. Both spaces reside inside smooth manifolds, which in turn inherit almost Poisson structures from the Poisson varieties. In this paper we consider...
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Manuscripta mathematica
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Mathematische Zeitschrift
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Compositio Mathematica
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Mathematica Slovaca
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Inventiones mathematicae
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Mathematische Zeitschrift
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Commentarii mathematici Helvetici
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Mathematische Zeitschrift
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