Generalización de la forma de Liouville - Aplicaciones.
The theory of p-regularity has approximately twenty-five years’ history and many results have been obtained up to now. The main result of this theory is description of tangent cone to zero set in singular case. However there are numerous nonlinear objects for which the p-regularity condition fails, especially for p > 2. In this paper we generalize the p-regularity notion as a starting point for more detailed consideration based on different p-factor operators constructions.
We give a uniform, explicit description of the generic types of one–step bracket–generating distributions of rank four. A manifold carrying such a structure has dimension at least five and no higher than ten. For each of the generic types, we give a brief description of the resulting class of generic distributions and of geometries equivalent to them. For dimensions different from eight and nine, these are available in the literature. The remaining two cases are dealt with in my doctoral thesis.
Goursat distributions are subbundles, of codimension at least 2, in the tangent bundles to manifolds having the flag of consecutive Lie squares of ranks not depending on a point and growing-very slowly-always by 1. The length of a flag thus equals the corank of the underlying distribution. After the works of, among others, Bryant&Hsu (1993), Jean (1996), and Montgomery&Zhitomirskii (2001), the local behaviours of Goursat flags of any fixed length r≥2 are stratified into geometric classes...
We present some geometrical aspects of a higher-order jet bundle which is considered a suitable framework for the study of higher-order dynamics in continuous media. We generalize some results obtained by A. Vondra, [7]. These results lead to a description of the geometrical dynamics of higher order generated by regular equations.
In this paper we show to what extent the closed, singular 2-forms are represented, up to the smooth equivalence, by their restrictions to the corresponding singularity set. In the normalization procedure of the singularity set we find the sufficient conditions for the given closed 2-form to be a pullback of the classical Darboux form. We also find the classification list of simple singularities of the maximal isotropic submanifold-germs in the codimension one Martinet's singular symplectic structures....
We shall give a survey of classical examples, together with algebraic methods to deal with those structures: graded algebra, cohomologies, cohomology operations. The corresponding geometric structures will be described(e.g., Lie algebroids), with particular emphasis on supergeometry, odd supersymplectic structures and their classification. Finally, we shall explain how BV-structures appear in Quantum Field Theory, as a version of functional integral quantization.