Displaying 21 – 40 of 46

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Homotopy theory of Hopf Galois extensions

Christian Kassel, Hans-Jürgen Schneider (2005)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We introduce the concept of homotopy equivalence for Hopf Galois extensions and make a systematic study of it. As an application we determine all H -Galois extensions up to homotopy equivalence in the case when H is a Drinfeld-Jimbo quantum group.

Les motifs de Tate et les opérateurs de périodicité de Connes

Abhishek Banerjee (2014)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Dans cet article, nous définissons une catégorie M o t ˜ C des motifs sur une catégorie monoïdale symétrique ( C , , 1 ) vérifiant certaines hypothèses. Le rôle des espaces sur ( C , , 1 ) est joué par les monoïdes (non necessairement commutatifs) dans C . Pour définir les morphismes dans M o t ˜ C , nous utilisons des classes dans les groupes d’homologie cyclique bivariante. Le but est de montrer que les opérateurs de périodicité de Connes induisent des morphismes M 𝕋 2 M dans M o t ˜ C , où 𝕋 est le motif de Tate dans M o t ˜ C .

Lie group extensions associated to projective modules of continuous inverse algebras

Karl-Hermann Neeb (2008)

Archivum Mathematicum

We call a unital locally convex algebra A a continuous inverse algebra if its unit group A × is open and inversion is a continuous map. For any smooth action of a, possibly infinite-dimensional, connected Lie group G on a continuous inverse algebra A by automorphisms and any finitely generated projective right A -module E , we construct a Lie group extension G ^ of G by the group GL A ( E ) of automorphisms of the A -module E . This Lie group extension is a “non-commutative” version of the group Aut ( 𝕍 ) of automorphism...

Non-commutative Hodge structures

Claude Sabbah (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This article gives a survey of recent results on a generalization of the notion of a Hodge structure. The main example is related to the Fourier-Laplace transform of a variation of polarizable Hodge structure on the punctured affine line, like the Gauss-Manin systems of a proper or tame algebraic function on a smooth quasi-projective variety. Variations of non-commutative Hodge structures often occur on the tangent bundle of Frobenius manifolds, giving rise to a tt* geometry.

On the quantum groups and semigroups of maps between noncommutative spaces

Maysam Maysami Sadr (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We define algebraic families of (all) morphisms which are purely algebraic analogs of quantum families of (all) maps introduced by P. M. Sołtan. Also, algebraic families of (all) isomorphisms are introduced. By using these notions we construct two classes of Hopf-algebras which may be interpreted as the quantum group of all maps from a finite space to a quantum group, and the quantum group of all automorphisms of a finite noncommutative (NC) space. As special cases three classes of NC objects are...

Quantum ultrametrics on AF algebras and the Gromov-Hausdorff propinquity

Konrad Aguilar, Frédéric Latrémolière (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We construct quantum metric structures on unital AF algebras with a faithful tracial state, and prove that for such metrics, AF algebras are limits of their defining inductive sequences of finite-dimensional C*-algebras for the quantum propinquity. We then study the geometry, for the quantum propinquity, of three natural classes of AF algebras equipped with our quantum metrics: the UHF algebras, the Effrös-Shen AF algebras associated with continued fraction expansions of irrationals, and the Cantor...

Restricting the bi-equivariant spectral triple on quantum SU(2) to the Podleś spheres

Elmar Wagner (2011)

Banach Center Publications

It is shown that the isospectral bi-equivariant spectral triple on quantum SU(2) and the isospectral equivariant spectral triples on the Podleś spheres are related by restriction. In this approach, the equatorial Podleś sphere is distinguished because only in this case the restricted spectral triple admits an equivariant grading operator together with a real structure (up to infinitesimals of arbitrary high order). The real structure is expressed by the Tomita operator on quantum SU(2) and it is...

Symétries spectrales des fonctions zêtas

Frédéric Paugam (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

On définit, en réponse à une question de Sarnak dans sa lettre a Bombieri [Sar01], un accouplement symplectique sur l’interprétation spectrale (due à Connes et Meyer) des zéros de la fonction zêta. Cet accouplement donne une formulation purement spectrale de la démonstration de l’équation fonctionnelle due à Tate, Weil et Iwasawa, qui, dans le cas d’une courbe sur un corps fini, correspond à la démonstration géométrique usuelle par utilisation de l’accouplement de dualité de Poincaré Frobenius-équivariant...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 46