Displaying 61 – 80 of 90

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Intermittent estimation for finite alphabet finitarily Markovian processes with exponential tails

Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss (2021)


We give some estimation schemes for the conditional distribution and conditional expectation of the the next output following the observation of the first n outputs of a stationary process where the random variables may take finitely many possible values. Our schemes are universal in the class of finitarily Markovian processes that have an exponential rate for the tail of the look back time distribution. In addition explicit rates are given. A necessary restriction is that the scheme proposes an...

Interpolated inequalities between exponential and Gaussian, Orlicz hypercontractivity and isoperimetry.

Franck Barthe, Patrick Cattiaux, Cyril Roberto (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We introduce and study a notion of Orlicz hypercontractive semigroups. We analyze their relations with general F-Sobolev inequalities, thus extending Gross hypercontractivity theory. We provide criteria for these Sobolev type inequalities and for related properties. In particular, we implement in the context of probability measures the ideas of Maz'ja's capacity theory, and present equivalent forms relating the capacity of sets to their measure. Orlicz hypercontractivity efficiently describes the...

Intertwining of birth-and-death processes

Jan M. Swart (2011)


It has been known for a long time that for birth-and-death processes started in zero the first passage time of a given level is distributed as a sum of independent exponentially distributed random variables, the parameters of which are the negatives of the eigenvalues of the stopped process. Recently, Diaconis and Miclo have given a probabilistic proof of this fact by constructing a coupling between a general birth-and-death process and a process whose birth rates are the negatives of the eigenvalues,...

Invariance of Poisson measures under random transformations

Nicolas Privault (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We prove that Poisson measures are invariant under (random) intensity preserving transformations whose finite difference gradient satisfies a cyclic vanishing condition. The proof relies on moment identities of independent interest for adapted and anticipating Poisson stochastic integrals, and is inspired by the method of Üstünel and Zakai (Probab. Theory Related Fields103 (1995) 409–429) on the Wiener space, although the corresponding algebra is more complex than in the Wiener case. The examples...

Invariance principle for Mott variable range hopping and other walks on point processes

P. Caputo, A. Faggionato, T. Prescott (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider a random walk on a homogeneous Poisson point process with energy marks. The jump rates decay exponentially in the α -power of the jump length and depend on the energy marks via a Boltzmann-like factor. The case α = 1 corresponds to the phonon-induced Mott variable range hopping in disordered solids in the regime of strong Anderson localization. We prove that for almost every realization of the marked process, the diffusively rescaled random walk, with an arbitrary start point, converges to...

Invariance principle, multifractional gaussian processes and long-range dependence

Serge Cohen, Renaud Marty (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This paper is devoted to establish an invariance principle where the limit process is a multifractional gaussian process with a multifractional function which takes its values in (1/2, 1). Some properties, such as regularity and local self-similarity of this process are studied. Moreover the limit process is compared to the multifractional brownian motion.

Invariance principles for random walks conditioned to stay positive

Francesco Caravenna, Loïc Chaumont (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let {Snbe a random walk in the domain of attraction of a stable law 𝒴 , i.e. there exists a sequence of positive real numbers ( an) such that Sn/anconverges in law to 𝒴 . Our main result is that the rescaled process (S⌊nt⌋/an, t≥0), when conditioned to stay positive, converges in law (in the functional sense) towards the corresponding stable Lévy process conditioned to stay positive. Under some additional assumptions, we also prove a related invariance principle for the random walk killed at its first...

Invariant measures and a stability theorem for locally Lipschitz stochastic delay equations

I. Stojkovic, O. van Gaans (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider a stochastic delay differential equation with exponentially stable drift and diffusion driven by a general Lévy process. The diffusion coefficient is assumed to be locally Lipschitz and bounded. Under a mild condition on the large jumps of the Lévy process, we show existence of an invariant measure. Main tools in our proof are a variation-of-constants formula and a stability theorem in our context, which are of independent interest.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 90