Displaying 41 – 60 of 79

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Pricing forward-start options in the HJM framework; evidence from the Polish market

P. Sztuba, A. Weron (2001)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We show how to use the Gaussian HJM model to price modified forward-start options. Using data from the Polish market we calibrate the model and price this exotic option on the term structure. The specific problems of Central Eastern European emerging markets do not permit the use of the popular lognormal models of forward LIBOR or swap rates. We show how to overcome this difficulty.

Pricing rules under asymmetric information

Shigeyoshi Ogawa, Monique Pontier (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider an extension of the Kyle and Back's model [Back, Rev. Finance Stud.5 (1992) 387–409; Kyle, Econometrica35 (1985) 1315–1335], meaning a model for the market with a continuous time risky asset and asymmetrical information. There are three financial agents: the market maker, an insider trader (who knows a random variable V which will be revealed at final time) and a non informed agent. Here we assume that the non informed agent is strategic, namely he/she uses a utility function to...

Probabilistic analysis of singularities for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations

Franco Flandoli, Marco Romito (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

The classical result on singularities for the 3D Navier-Stokes equations says that the 1 -dimensional Hausdorff measure of the set of singular points is zero. For a stochastic version of the equation, new results are proved. For statistically stationary solutions, at any given time t , with probability one the set of singular points is empty. The same result is true for a.e. initial condition with respect to a measure related to the stationary solution, and if the noise is sufficiently non degenerate...

Probabilistic methods for semilinear partial differential equations. Applications to finance

Dan Crisan, Konstantinos Manolarakis (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

With the pioneering work of [Pardoux and Peng, Syst. Contr. Lett.14 (1990) 55–61; Pardoux and Peng, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences176 (1992) 200–217]. We have at our disposal stochastic processes which solve the so-called backward stochastic differential equations. These processes provide us with a Feynman-Kac representation for the solutions of a class of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) which appear in many applications in the field of Mathematical Finance....

Probabilistic models for vortex filaments based on fractional brownian motion.

David Nualart, Carles Rovira, Samy Tindel (2001)


Se introduce una estructura de vorticidad basada en el movimiento browniano fraccionario con parámetro de Hurst H > 1/2 . El objeto de esta nota es presentar el siguiente resultado: Bajo una condición de integrabilidad adecuada sobre la medida ρ que controla la concentración de la vorticidad a lo largo de los filamentos, la energía cinética de la configuración está bien definida y tiene momentos de todos los órdenes.

Probabilistic models of vortex filaments

Franco Flandoli, Ida Minelli (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A model of vortex filaments based on stochastic processes is presented. In contrast to previous models based on semimartingales, here processes with fractal properties between 1 / 2 and 1 are used, which include fractional Brownian motion and similar non-Gaussian examples. Stochastic integration for these processes is employed to give a meaning to the kinetic energy.

Probability density for a hyperbolic SPDE with time dependent coefficients

Marta Sanz-Solé, Iván Torrecilla-Tarantino (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We prove the existence and smoothness of density for the solution of a hyperbolic SPDE with free term coefficients depending on time, under hypoelliptic non degeneracy conditions. The result extends those proved in Cattiaux and Mesnager, PTRF123 (2002) 453-483 to an infinite dimensional setting.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 79