An exponential martingale equation.
This special volume of the ESAIM Journal, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, contains a collection of articles on probabilistic interpretations of some classes of nonlinear integro-differential equations. The selected contributions deal with a wide range of topics in applied probability theory and stochastic analysis, with applications in a variety of scientific disciplines, including physics, biology, fluid mechanics, molecular chemistry, financial mathematics and bayesian statistics....
We establish an optimal, linear rate of convergence for the stochastic homogenization of discrete linear elliptic equations. We consider the model problem of independent and identically distributed coefficients on a discretized unit torus. We show that the difference between the solution to the random problem on the discretized torus and the first two terms of the two-scale asymptotic expansion has the same scaling as in the periodic case. In particular the L2-norm in probability of the H1-norm...
We analyze the Rosenblatt process which is a selfsimilar process with stationary increments and which appears as limit in the so-called Non Central Limit Theorem (Dobrushin and Majòr (1979), Taqqu (1979)). This process is non-Gaussian and it lives in the second Wiener chaos. We give its representation as a Wiener-Itô multiple integral with respect to the Brownian motion on a finite interval and we develop a stochastic calculus with respect to it by using both pathwise type calculus and Malliavin...
We survey analytic and geometric proofs of classical logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for Gaussian and more general strictly log-concave probability measures. Developments of the last decade link the two approaches through heat kernel and Hamilton-Jacobi equations, inequalities in convex geometry and mass transportation.