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Quand est-ce que des bornes de Hardy permettent de calculer une constante de Poincaré exacte sur la droite ?

Laurent Miclo (2008)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Classically, Hardy’s inequality enables to estimate the spectral gap of a one-dimensional diffusion up to a factor belonging to [ 1 , 4 ] . The goal of this paper is to better understand the latter factor, at least in a symmetric setting. In particular, we will give an asymptotical criterion implying that its value is exactly 4. The underlying argument is based on a semi-explicit functional for the spectral gap, which is monotone in some rearrangement of the data. To find it will resort to some regularity...

Quantum Itô B*-algebras, their classification and decomposition

V. Belavkin (1998)

Banach Center Publications

A simple axiomatic characterization of the general (infinite dimensional, noncommutative) Itô algebra is given and a pseudo-Euclidean fundamental representation for such algebra is described. The notion of Itô B*-algebra, generalizing the C*-algebra, is defined to include the Banach infinite dimensional Itô algebras of quantum Brownian and quantum Lévy motion, and the B*-algebras of vacuum and thermal quantum noise are characterized. It is proved that every Itô algebra is canonically decomposed...

Quenched law of large numbers for branching brownian motion in a random medium

János Engländer (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study a spatial branching model, where the underlying motion is d-dimensional (d≥1) brownian motion and the branching rate is affected by a random collection of reproduction suppressing sets dubbed mild obstacles. The main result of this paper is the quenched law of large numbers for the population for all d≥1. We also show that the branching brownian motion with mild obstacles spreads less quickly than ordinary branching brownian motion by giving an upper estimate on its speed. When the underlying...

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