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Efficient bootstrap simulation: an overview.

Alex Sánchez (1990)


Two basic sources of error are associated to the use of bootstrap methods: one is derived from the fact that the true distribution is substituted by a suitable estimate, and the other is simulation errors. Some techniques to reduce or quantify these errors are discussed in this work. Some of them such as importance sampling or antithetic variates are adapted from classical Monte Carlo swindles, whereas others such as the centered and the balanced bootstrap, are more specific. The existence of common...

Estimación del número de clusters en una población aplicando el jackknife generalizado.

Juan José Prieto Martínez (1998)


Sea una población constituida por un número desconocido de clusters. Este trabajo desarrolla una secuencia finita de estimadores no paramétricos para el número de clusters, basándose en el método jackknife generalizado. Estos estimadores resultan ser una combinación lineal de las frecuencias de observación de cada cluster. Se propone entonces un procedimiento de selección para elegir el más apropiado. La técnica es aplicada a un conjunto de datos reales procedentes de un estudio de captura de especies...

Exponential smoothing and resampling techniques in time series prediction

Maria Manuela Neves, Clara Cordeiro (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Time series analysis deals with records that are collected over time. The objectives of time series analysis depend on the applications, but one of the main goals is to predict future values of the series. These values depend, usually in a stochastic manner, on the observations available at present. Such dependence has to be considered when predicting the future from its past, taking into account trend, seasonality and other features of the data. Some of the most successful forecasting methods are...

Model selection for estimating the non zero components of a Gaussian vector

Sylvie Huet (2006)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We propose a method based on a penalised likelihood criterion, for estimating the number on non-zero components of the mean of a Gaussian vector. Following the work of Birgé and Massart in Gaussian model selection, we choose the penalty function such that the resulting estimator minimises the Kullback risk.

On the consistency of sieve bootstrap prediction intervals for stationary time series

Roman Różański, Adam Zagdański (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

In the article, we consider construction of prediction intervals for stationary time series using Bühlmann's [8], [9] sieve bootstrapapproach. Basic theoretical properties concerning consistency are proved. We extend the results obtained earlier by Stine [21], Masarotto and Grigoletto [13] for an autoregressive time series of finite order to the rich class of linear and invertible stationary models. Finite sample performance of the constructed intervals is investigated by computer simulations.

One Bootstrap suffices to generate sharp uniform bounds in functional estimation

Paul Deheuvels (2011)


We consider, in the framework of multidimensional observations, nonparametric functional estimators, which include, as special cases, the Akaike–Parzen–Rosenblatt kernel density estimators ([1, 18, 20]), and the Nadaraya–Watson kernel regression estimators ([16, 22]). We evaluate the sup-norm, over a given set 𝐈 , of the difference between the estimator and a non-random functional centering factor (which reduces to the estimator mean for kernel density estimation). We show that, under suitable general...

Optimal model selection in density estimation

Matthieu Lerasle (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In order to calibrate a penalization procedure for model selection, the statistician has to choose a shape for the penalty and a leading constant. In this paper, we study, for the marginal density estimation problem, the resampling penalties as general estimators of the shape of an ideal penalty. We prove that the selected estimator satisfies sharp oracle inequalities without remainder terms under a few assumptions on the marginal density s and the collection of models. We also study the slope heuristic,...

Ordenes de convergencia para las aproximaciones normal y bootstrap en estimación no paramétrica de la función de densidad.

Ricardo Cao Abad (1990)

Trabajos de Estadística

Este artículos concierne las distribuciones usadas para construir intervalos de confianza para la función de densidad en una situación no paramétrica. Se comparan los órdenes de convergencia para el límite normal, su aproximación "plug in" y el método bootstrap. Se deduce que el bootstrap se comporta mejor que las otras dos aproximaciones tanto en su forma clásica como con la aproximación bootstrap normal.

Study of Bootstrap Estimates in Cox Regression Model with Delayed Entry

Silvie Bělašková, Eva Fišerová, Sylvia Krupičková (2013)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In most clinical studies, patients are observed for extended time periods to evaluate influences in treatment such as drug treatment, approaches to surgery, etc. The primary event in these studies is death, relapse, adverse drug reaction, or development of a new disease. The follow-up time may range from few weeks to many years. Although these studies are long term, the number of observed events is small. Longitudinal studies have increased the importance of statistical methods for time-to event...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 44