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Change-point estimation from indirect observations. 1. Minimax complexity

A. Goldenshluger, A. Juditsky, A. B. Tsybakov, A. Zeevi (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider the problem of nonparametric estimation of signal singularities from indirect and noisy observations. Here by singularity, we mean a discontinuity (change-point) of the signal or of its derivative. The model of indirect observations we consider is that of a linear transform of the signal, observed in white noise. The estimation problem is analyzed in a minimax framework. We provide lower bounds for minimax risks and propose rate-optimal estimation procedures.

Change-point estimation from indirect observations. 2. Adaptation

A. Goldenshluger, A. Juditsky, A. Tsybakov, A. Zeevi (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We focus on the problem of adaptive estimation of signal singularities from indirect and noisy observations. A typical example of such a singularity is a discontinuity (change-point) of the signal or of its derivative. We develop a change-point estimator which adapts to the unknown smoothness of a nuisance deterministic component and to an unknown jump amplitude. We show that the proposed estimator attains optimal adaptive rates of convergence. A simulation study demonstrates reasonable practical...

Comparison at optimal levels of classical tail index estimators: a challenge for reduced-bias estimation?

M. Ivette Gomes, Lígia Henriques-Rodrigues (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

In this article, we begin with an asymptotic comparison at optimal levels of the so-called "maximum likelihood" (ML) extreme value index estimator, based on the excesses over a high random threshold, denoted PORT-ML, with PORT standing for peaks over random thresholds, with a similar ML estimator, denoted PORT-MP, with MP standing for modified-Pareto. The PORT-MP estimator is based on the same excesses, but with a trial of accommodation of bias on the Generalized Pareto model underlying those excesses....

Complete f -moment convergence for weighted sums of WOD arrays with statistical applications

Xi Chen, Xinran Tao, Xuejun Wang (2023)


Complete f -moment convergence is much more general than complete convergence and complete moment convergence. In this work, we mainly investigate the complete f -moment convergence for weighted sums of widely orthant dependent (WOD, for short) arrays. A general result on Complete f -moment convergence is obtained under some suitable conditions, which generalizes the corresponding one in the literature. As an application, we establish the complete consistency for the weighted linear estimator in nonparametric...

Contiguity and LAN-property of sequences of Poisson processes

Friedrich Liese, Udo Lorz (1999)


Using the concept of Hellinger integrals, necessary and sufficient conditions are established for the contiguity of two sequences of distributions of Poisson point processes with an arbitrary state space. The distribution of logarithm of the likelihood ratio is shown to be infinitely divisible. The canonical measure is expressed in terms of the intensity measures. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the LAN-property are formulated in terms of the corresponding intensity measures.

Convergence rates of orthogonal series regression estimators

Waldemar Popiński (2000)

Applicationes Mathematicae

General conditions for convergence rates of nonparametric orthogonal series estimators of the regression function f(x)=E(Y | X = x) are considered. The estimators are obtained by the least squares method on the basis of a random observation sample (Yi,Xi), i=1,...,n, where X i A d have marginal distribution with density ϱ L 1 ( A ) and Var( Y | X = x) is bounded on A. Convergence rates of the errors E X ( f ( X ) - f ^ N ( X ) ) 2 and f - f ^ N for the estimator f ^ N ( x ) = k = 1 N c ^ k e k ( x ) , constructed using an orthonormal system e k , k=1,2,..., in L 2 ( A ) are obtained.

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