Displaying 121 – 140 of 147

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Segmentation of the Poisson and negative binomial rate models: a penalized estimator

Alice Cleynen, Emilie Lebarbier (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We consider the segmentation problem of Poisson and negative binomial (i.e. overdispersed Poisson) rate distributions. In segmentation, an important issue remains the choice of the number of segments. To this end, we propose a penalized -likelihood estimator where the penalty function is constructed in a non-asymptotic context following the works of L. Birgé and P. Massart. The resulting estimator is proved to satisfy an oracle inequality. The performances of our criterion is assessed using simulated...

Some Parameter Estimation Issues in Functional-Structural Plant Modelling

P.-H. Cournède, V. Letort, A. Mathieu, M. Z. Kang, S. Lemaire, S. Trevezas, F. Houllier, P. de Reffye (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The development of functional-structural plant models has opened interesting perspectives for a better understanding of plant growth as well as for potential applications in breeding or decision aid in farm management. Parameterization of such models is however a difficult issue due to the complexity of the involved biological processes and the interactions between these processes. The estimation of parameters from experimental data by inverse methods...

Statistical analysis of diabetes mellitus

Hilmar Drygas (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

This paper deals with an application of regression analysis to the regulation of the blood-sugar under diabetes mellitus. Section 2 gives a description of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, while Section 3 discusses the difference between Gauss-Markov estimation and Least Squares Estimation. Section 4 is devoted to the statistical analysis of the blood-sugar during the night. The response change of blood-sugar is explained by three variables: time, food and physical activity ("Bewegung"). At the beginning...

Statistical models to study subtoxic concentrations for some standard mutagens in three colon cancer cell lines.

Xavier Bardina, Laura Fernández, Elisabet Piñeiro, Jordi Surrallés, Antonia Velázquez (2006)


The aim of this work is to propose models to study the toxic effect of different concentrations of some standard mutagens in different colon cancer cell lines. We find estimates and, by means of an inverse regression problem, confidence intervals for the subtoxic concentration, that is the concentration that reduces by thirty percent the number of colonies obtained in the absence of mutagen.

Statistical tools for discovering pseudo-periodicities in biological sequences

Bernard Prum, Élisabeth de Turckheim, Martin Vingron (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Many protein sequences present non trivial periodicities, such as cysteine signatures and leucine heptads. These known periodicities probably represent a small percentage of the total number of sequences periodic structures, and it is useful to have general tools to detect such sequences and their period in large databases of sequences. We compare three statistics adapted from those used in time series analysis: a generalisation of the simple autocovariance based on a similarity score and two statistics...

Statistical tools for discovering pseudo-periodicities in biological sequences

Bernard Prum, Élisabeth de Turckheim, Martin Vingron (2001)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Many protein sequences present non trivial periodicities, such as cysteine signatures and leucine heptads. These known periodicities probably represent a small percentage of the total number of sequences periodic structures, and it is useful to have general tools to detect such sequences and their period in large databases of sequences. We compare three statistics adapted from those used in time series analysis: a generalisation of the simple autocovariance based on a similarity score and two statistics...

Stochastic models of progression of cancer andtheir use in controlling cancer-related mortality

Marek Kimmel, Olga Gorlova (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A construction of a realistic statistical model of lung cancer risk and progression is proposed. The essential elements of the model are genetic and behavioral determinants of susceptibility, progression of the disease from precursor lesions through early (localized) tumors to disseminated disease, detection by various modalities, and medical intervention. Using model estimates as a foundation, mortality reduction caused by early-detection and intervention programs can be predicted under different...

Strictly associated models, prime basis factorials: an application

Francisco Carvalho (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Mixed models will be considered using the Commutative Jordan Algebra of Symmetric matrices approach. Prime basis factorial models will now be considered in the framework provided by Commutative Jordan Algebra of Symmetric matrices. This will enable to obtain fractional replicates when the number of levels is neither a prime or a power of a prime. We present an application to the effect of lidocaine, at an enzymatic level, on the heart muscle of beagle dogs

Study of Bootstrap Estimates in Cox Regression Model with Delayed Entry

Silvie Bělašková, Eva Fišerová, Sylvia Krupičková (2013)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In most clinical studies, patients are observed for extended time periods to evaluate influences in treatment such as drug treatment, approaches to surgery, etc. The primary event in these studies is death, relapse, adverse drug reaction, or development of a new disease. The follow-up time may range from few weeks to many years. Although these studies are long term, the number of observed events is small. Longitudinal studies have increased the importance of statistical methods for time-to event...

Synthesis of membership functions to determine a radius of influence.

Vicenç Torra (1995)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this work we study the synthesis of membership functions when they have been calculated from a set of observations according to the definition of (Zhang, 1993). The results obtained have been used to determine the radius of influence of a tramp for Podarcis lilfordi (a kind of saurians) in the island of Cabrera (Balearic Islands). The measure of this radius was used in a later work to estimate the density of these saurians in the island.

The EM algorithm and its implementation for the estimation of frequencies of SNP-haplotypes

Joanna Polańska (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A haplotype analysis is becoming increasingly important in studying complex genetic diseases. Various algorithms and specialized computer software have been developed to statistically estimate haplotype frequencies from marker phenotypes in unrelated individuals. However, currently there are very few empirical reports on the performance of the methods for the recovery of haplotype frequencies. One of the most widely used methods of haplotype reconstruction is the Maximum Likelihood method, employing...

Time delays in proliferation and apoptosis for solid avascular tumour

Urszula Foryś, Mikhail Kolev (2003)

Banach Center Publications

The role of time delays in solid avascular tumour growth is considered. The model is formulated in terms of a reaction-diffusion equation and mass conservation law. Two main processes are taken into account-proliferation and apoptosis. We introduce time delay first in underlying apoptosis only and then in both processes. In the absence of necrosis the model reduces to one ordinary differential equation with one discrete delay which describes the changes of tumour radius. Basic properties of the...

Towards prediction of HCV therapy efficiency.

Wasik, Szymon, Jackowiak, Paulina, Krawczyk, Jacek B., Kedziora, Paweł, Formanowicz, Piotr, Figlerowicz, Marek, Błażewicz, Jacek (2010)

Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 147