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Mathematical and Computational Models in Tumor Immunology

F. Pappalardo, A. Palladini, M. Pennisi, F. Castiglione, S. Motta (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The immune system is able to protect the host from tumor onset, and immune deficiencies are accompanied by an increased risk of cancer. Immunology is one of the fields in biology where the role of computational and mathematical modeling and analysis were recognized the earliest, beginning from 60s of the last century. We introduce the two most common methods in simulating the competition among the immune system, cancers and tumor immunology strategies:...

Meta-analysis techniques applied in prevalence rate estimation

João Paulo Martins, Miguel Felgueiras, Rui Santos (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

In some cases, the estimators obtained in compound tests have better features than the traditional ones, obtained from individual tests, cf. Sobel and Elashoff (1975), Garner et al. (1989) and Loyer (1983). The bias, the efficiency and the robustness of these estimators are investigated in several papers, e.g. Chen and Swallow (1990), Hung and Swallow (1999) and Lancaster and Keller-McNulty (1998). Thus, the use of estimators based on compound tests not only allows a substantial saving of...

Modelización de la distribución espacial de quistes en el estómago de la marsopa mediante un proceso de Gibbs.

Jorge Mateu, Francisco Montes (1998)


En un trabajo previo (Balaguer et al., 1992) los autores estudiaron la distribución espacial de los quistes en el estómago de la marsopa para contrastar su compatibilidad con la hipótesis de aleatoriedad espacial completa (AEC). El resultado condujo a rechazar la hipótesis señalando en la dirección de un patrón agregado, confirmando la sospecha inicial de los zoólogos.Este trabajo completa aquel estudio en la dirección que parece más coherente a sus autores: la de conjeturar un modelo puntual espacial...

Modelos para la asignación de tratamiento.

M.ª Pilar García-Carrasco Aponte (1986)

Trabajos de Estadística

In this paper the problem of treatment allocation is studied from the predictive decision theoretical point of view. The utility of obtaining some final characteristics y when a treatment a is applied to a person with initial facet x is assumed to be known. The problem is then reduced to the derivation of the expected utility of a given x, by means of either prognostic or diagnostic distributions.To find prognostic distributions, regression models and appropriate partitions of the population, according...

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