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A compactness result in thin-film micromagnetics and the optimality of the Néel wall

Radu Ignat, Felix Otto (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this paper, we study a model for the magnetization in thin ferromagnetic films. It comes as a variational problem for S 1 -valued maps m ' (the magnetization) of two variables x ' : E ε ( m ' ) = ε | ' · m ' | 2 d x ' + 1 2 | ' | - 1 / 2 ' · m ' 2 d x ' . We are interested in the behavior of minimizers as ε 0 . They are expected to be S 1 -valued maps m ' of vanishing distributional divergence ' · m ' = 0 , so that appropriate boundary conditions enforce line discontinuities. For finite ε > 0 , these line discontinuities are approximated by smooth transition layers, the so-called Néel walls. Néel...

A “Natural” Norm for the Method of Characteristics Using Discontinuous Finite Elements : 2D and 3D case

Jacques Baranger, Ahmed Machmoum (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider the numerical approximation of a first order stationary hyperbolic equation by the method of characteristics with pseudo time step k using discontinuous finite elements on a mesh 𝒯 h . For this method, we exhibit a “natural” norm || ||h,k for which we show that the discrete variational problem P h k is well posed and we obtain an error estimate. We show that when k goes to zero problem ( P h k ) (resp. the || ||h,k norm) has as a limit problem (Ph) (resp. the || ||h norm) associated to the...

A parallel algorithm for two phase multicomponent contaminant transport

Todd Arbogast, Clint N. Dawson, Mary F. Wheeler (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

We discuss the formulation of a simulator in three spatial dimensions for a multicomponent, two phase (air, water) system of groundwater flow and transport with biodegradation kinetics and wells with multiple screens. The simulator has been developed for parallel, distributed memory, message passing machines. The numerical procedures employed are a fully implicit expanded mixed finite element method for flow and either a characteristics-mixed method or a Godunov method for transport and reactions...

An Adaptive Multi-level method for Convection Diffusion Problems

Martine Marion, Adeline Mollard (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this article we introduce an adaptive multi-level method in space and time for convection diffusion problems. The scheme is based on a multi-level spatial splitting and the use of different time-steps. The temporal discretization relies on the characteristics method. We derive an a posteriori error estimate and design a corresponding adaptive algorithm. The efficiency of the multi-level method is illustrated by numerical experiments, in particular for a convection-dominated problem.

An explicit modified method of characteristics for the one-dimensional nonstationary convection-diffusion problem with dominating convection

Josef Dalík, Helena Růžičková (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

We describe a numerical method for the equation u t + p u x - ε u x x = f in ( 0 , 1 ) × ( 0 , T ) with Dirichlet boundary and initial conditions which is a combination of the method of characteristics and the finite-difference method. We prove both an a priori local error-estimate of a high order and stability. Example 3.3 indicates that our approximate solutions are disturbed only by a minimal amount of the artificial diffusion.

An instantaneous semi-Lagrangian approach for boundary control of a melting problem

Youness Mezzan, Moulay Hicham Tber (2021)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, a sub-optimal boundary control strategy for a free boundary problem is investigated. The model is described by a non-smooth convection-diffusion equation. The control problem is addressed by an instantaneous strategy based on the characteristics method. The resulting time independent control problems are formulated as function space optimization problems with complementarity constraints. At each time step, the existence of an optimal solution is proved and first-order optimality conditions...

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