Parallel realization of the finite difference method solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation
We present in this paper a proof of well-posedness and convergence for the parallel Schwarz Waveform Relaxation Algorithm adapted to an N-dimensional semilinear heat equation. Since the equation we study is an evolution one, each subproblem at each step has its own local existence time, we then determine a common existence time for every problem in any subdomain at any step. We also introduce a new technique: Exponential Decay Error Estimates, to prove the convergence of the Schwarz Methods, with...
The aim of this contribution is to propose and analyze some computational means to approximate solving mathematical problems appearing in some recent studies devoted to biological and chemical networks.
We prove that within the frame of smoothed prolongations, rapid coarsening between first two levels can be compensated by massive prolongation smoothing and pre- and post-smoothing derived from the prolongator smoother.
We present a method for the construction of artificial far-field boundary conditions for two- and three-dimensional exterior compressible viscous flows in aerodynamics. Since at some distance to the surrounded body (e.g. aeroplane, wing section, etc.) the convective forces are strongly dominant over the viscous ones, the viscosity effects are neglected there and the flow is assumed to be inviscid. Accordingly, we consider two different model zones leading to a decomposition of the original flow...
In the present work, the symmetrized sequential-parallel decomposition method with the fourth order accuracy for the solution of Cauchy abstract problem with an operator under a split form is presented. The fourth order accuracy is reached by introducing a complex coefficient with the positive real part. For the considered scheme, the explicit a priori estimate is obtained.
In the present work, the symmetrized sequential-parallel decomposition method with the fourth order accuracy for the solution of Cauchy abstract problem with an operator under a split form is presented. The fourth order accuracy is reached by introducing a complex coefficient with the positive real part. For the considered scheme, the explicit a priori estimate is obtained.
We consider a boundary optimal control problem for the Maxwell system with a final value cost criterion. We introduce a time domain decomposition procedure for the corresponding optimality system which leads to a sequence of uncoupled optimality systems of local-in-time optimal control problems. In the limit full recovery of the coupling conditions is achieved, and, hence, the local solutions and controls converge to the global ones. The process is inherently parallel and is suitable for real-time...
We consider a boundary optimal control problem for the Maxwell system with a final value cost criterion. We introduce a time domain decomposition procedure for the corresponding optimality system which leads to a sequence of uncoupled optimality systems of local-in-time optimal control problems. In the limit full recovery of the coupling conditions is achieved, and, hence, the local solutions and controls converge to the global ones. The process is inherently parallel and is suitable for real-time...