Approximation d'un problème aux limites elliptique d'ordre deux par éléments finis rationnels de Wachspress avec intégration numérique
We give results for the approximation of a laminate with varying volume fractions for multi-well energy minimization problems modeling martensitic crystals that can undergo either an orthorhombic to monoclinic or a cubic to tetragonal transformation. We construct energy minimizing sequences of deformations which satisfy the corresponding boundary condition, and we establish a series of error bounds in terms of the elastic energy for the approximation of the limiting macroscopic deformation and...
The main goal of this article is to establish a priori and a posteriori error estimates for the numerical approximation of some non linear elliptic problems arising in glaciology. The stationary motion of a glacier is given by a non-newtonian fluid flow model which becomes, in a first two-dimensional approximation, the so-called infinite parallel sided slab model. The approximation of this model is made by a finite element method with piecewise polynomial functions of degree 1. Numerical results...
The main goal of this article is to establish a priori and a posteriori error estimates for the numerical approximation of some non linear elliptic problems arising in glaciology. The stationary motion of a glacier is given by a non-Newtonian fluid flow model which becomes, in a first two-dimensional approximation, the so-called infinite parallel sided slab model. The approximation of this model is made by a finite element method with piecewise polynomial functions of degree 1. Numerical results...
By means of eigenvalue error expansion and integral expansion techniques, we propose and analyze the stream function-vorticity-pressure method for the eigenvalue problem associated with the Stokes equations on the unit square. We obtain an optimal order of convergence for eigenvalues and eigenfuctions. Furthermore, for the bilinear finite element space, we derive asymptotic expansions of the eigenvalue error, an efficient extrapolation and an a posteriori error estimate for the eigenvalue. Finally,...
This note deals with the approximation, by a P1 finite element method with numerical integration, of solution curves of a semilinear problem. Because of both mixed boundary conditions and geometrical properties of the domain, some of the solutions do not belong to H2. So, classical results for convergence lead to poor estimates. We show how to improve such estimates with the use of weighted Sobolev spaces together with a mesh “a priori adapted” to the singularity. For the H1 or L2-norms, we...